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Jay's POV. (A/N Jay is a girl.)

I wake up in the room that I use at my friend Charlie's house. Today, his daughter is coming home to live with him, permanently. She doesn't like it here, but she wants to come to let her mom travel with her new husband, so I guess it's ok. Anyway, I will be moving into the shed in the backyard, so that Bella can have the room near her father.

Bella knows a bit about me, but not all of it, we told her that Charlie is letting me live with him since my parents died and he used to babysit me. Ironically, I used to babysit him, hence I call him 'kid' a lot.

The three of us get along great. Recently a new family moved back to town, the Cullens. They are an odd bunch. They smell of bleach and death, but some of the boys on the Native Reservation smell like wet dog, so that is interesting.

Supposedly one of the Cullens aren't here yet, I got the feeling they will show up soon. Anyway, Charlie just got back from the airport, with Bella.

"Hey, Bella, it is great to see you again, I've missed my sister in all but blood," I say, as she comes in the front door.

"Hi, Jay, glad to see you are still here," She replies.

"Of course, now, go outside, Charlie got you a gift," I tell to her.

She heads outside and I see the Blacks have come with her 'new' truck. Luckily for her, she loves older things. I hear Billy and Charlie squabbling, playfully, and Bella asking Jack about the truck and their fathers.

A bit later the two come in, and I just finished taking the rest of my things out to the refurbished shed.

"Alright, Bella, your bedroom is down the hallway, it's purple, hope you don't mind. Charlie also cleared room for you in the bathroom, sadly, we do only have one. Don't worry, everything will be fine," I tell her.

"You start school on Monday. That gives you the weekend to get used to the time change and get supplies and such. Now, I have work in the morning, so goodnight, Bell, Jay," Charlie says to us.

We both say goodnight, then I go to her room to help her unpack.

After a few hours of unpacking, I tell her I am going to bed. "Night, Bells, see you in the morning."

She mumbles goodnight, then is out cold herself.

Time Skip to Monday.

I wake up to my alarm going off, great, another Monday, I think to myself. With a sigh, I get up and go get ready for school.

I ride my black and green motorcycle to school, with Bella following behind me.

We arrive and go park in spots that are next to each other. I get off my bike and lead her to the front office when Mike comes up to us.

"Hey, you're Isabella Swan, right?" He asks.

"Just Bella, who are you.

"I'm Mike Newton, the eyes and ears of the place. I am anything you need, even if it's a shoulder to cry on," He says.

Bella replies saying that she is more of the suffer in silence type.

Then Mike replies with, "That's a great title for the paper. You're news, baby, front cover."

"Go away, Newton, no one wants to be in your paper. Now, shoo," I say, being the snarky bitch I am.

He huffs and walks away. We go to the office and get Bella her schedule. She has the same schedule as me, except for the period after lunch, good, makes protecting her easier.

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