Chapter 1:World War II

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A/N: I do not own hetalia nor the Characters I only own this fanfic's storyline I will update according to the Story's popularity so share with friends!
It's been 21 years since the defeat of the central powers in WWI and it was safe to say that life has been great to you, Being a country in the balkans could be hard, that is if you didn't conquer them already, you were well trained by your previous caretakers Austria and Hungary.
Back as a child after being taken over by the Austro-Hungarian Empire you were scared but Austria treated you well she cooked for you taught you math,poetry,instruments and even tactics she was certainly like a mother to you,you liked living with her and Hungary he was a very important Father figure who taught you how to Hunt,Fight and that the size of your army doesn't matter quality over quantity as he loved to say,after the empire collapsed by the treaty of Trianon,you swore to avenge it and restore the empire, restore your parent's Honour and Respect, but for that you had to become stronger with a gun in hand and a Heart of Iron you recruited an Army and revolted in Yugoslavia at first you weren't taken seriously after all you only had 600 men but with your determination and elite trained army you defeated the enemy that outnumbered you 30 to 1, seizing control of the capital Belgrade you pushed to Romania,Albania and Greece effectively taking them all Not caring for Bulgaria who was your parent's ally you were quite surprised when he decided to join you out of thin air Turkey fearing of your growing might offered you Constantinople in exchange for a non aggression pact when you finally approached Hungary ready to become a part of his and Austria's empire again you were surprised when they refused telling you that your destiny is in your own hands and instead decided to join you while Austria was forced into Germany meanwhile seeing your continued grow in power France and Britain saw you as a threat and decided they should stop you but failed as every time they sent volunteer forces to your enemies they would just get publicly executed and sent back in a bloody British or French flag earning you the nickname "the Iron executioner" deciding to avoid further bloodshed  the two countries avoided contact with you that is until you joined the Axis in 1939

"Jou idiot! Ich should have known jou vill do something stupid! Jou had France und Britain in your hands yet jou let zhem go??? Vhy??" Screamed a blonde haired woman in her thick German accent

"Their forces were beaten and there is no honour in torturing surrendered enemies Germany" the h/c man said to her smoking his cigarette calmly

"Ich should have known jou vill be so stupid! You're race is even more inferior to ze Slavs jou couldn't understand Mein glorious Fuhrer's plans!" She said mockingly with a proud smile on her face she looks away from the man

He grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and pinned her against the wall "Listen here you damn Nazi! Me and everyone else in this Alliance are not inferior to you in any way! I could beat you in a week and both of us know it so I suggest you stay quiet or else I will show you how my army crushed France and Britain" you threatened the German she stared at you in bewilderment surprised at your outburst but more importantly blushing because of how close you were to her face turning redder by the second she looks away and nods in understanding as you notice her red blush you begin to tease her you lean closer to her ear and whispers into it "you know~ there are better ways to attract my attention Monica~" you say as you bit her earlobe she lets out a moan before looking away "S-Sorry..." she mutters quietly you smile and go back to cleaning your gun (insert favorite weapon here)
"Anyway... now what is your plan? Your air force failed to take down Britain's and Italy is busy in Africa to assist... Japan has reached a stale mate in Asia it would seem like a good time to make peace..." Y/N suggests but Germany glares at him "Jou looking to give up?" She snarled "Jou Coward" you looked at her in response and smirked "if I was a coward I wouldn't have come to assist you in your blitz against France nor would I help you finally take the Dunkirk pocket" you answer looking back at your weapon you stare down the ironsight "I may seem cowardly to you for pursuing peace but in my opinion it's better to make peace while we can and have an advantageous position in the peace talks rather then wait til we lose it all and have to sign an unconditional surrender" he says his words of wisdom sinking in "you can force them to cede you Danzig,Poznan and silesia as well as Alsace-Lorraine Britain is weak right now all we need to do is focus on her and the African Front to finish off France" he points out and gives her a smile Monica blushes and looks away "fine... I'll tell my leader your suggestion..." you look at her "oh and one more thing..." she looks at you surprised that you still had more to ask of her "your Jewish population... send it to my nation... i saw the documents and I know what you are planning for them... I'll take them in so you don't have to hurt them" Monica smiles "Jou really are a softie aren't you?" She smirks but truthfully you took a weight off her shoulder she didn't like killing civilians "Fine it Vill be done" suddenly the door opens revealing a very happy Italy and a very calm Japan walking into the room "Ve~ it's a Germany and (C/N)" she smiles as Japan bows politely "herro Doitsu-San... (C/N)-San..." she says with her Japanese accent you give her a smile "heya Italy,Japan" you say with a smile as they blush,Germany sighs knowing you got the three of them in your palm "anyvay let's begin ze Axis strategy meeting"

-meanwhile in the Allied headquarters-

England and France are sitting in their seats while China looks rather defeated they look over a map and sigh "this makes no sense!" Alice grumbles "isn't this his first war outside the Balkans?! How does he know to utilize his terrain so effectively?! How did his army defeat us so easily! Furthermore we can't begin air raids or blockade them his navy and air force is too well maintained and well trained... for every plane we take down he takes down twenty of ours! What kind of technology does he use to have such quick and deadly planes and pilots?!" She says angrily France looks at her with a sad smile "but he is battle trained... you can see that... he combined the training of the Austrian and Hungarian Air Force and Navy and improved the upkeep of his equipment... furthermore he has battle tested commanders from the Great War as well as superior equipment thanks to his Region... the Balkans is a powder keg which always gets plunged into war... his army is experienced in fighting while ours been slacking off thinking Germany didn't pose a threat anymore... we have no one to blame but ourselves... those 300,000 men who got captured in Dunkirk were our fault alone for slacking off..." she says sadly China looks at them sadly thinking what could she say to cheer them up her Front was finally stabilizing thanks to British and French colonial troops but for how long before they give up? Suddenly the door opens with the US walking in "I was chosen as a mediator by the Axis they say they are willing to begin peace talks do you agree?" Britain looks at Amelia and glares "of course not! We will never give up!" She yells at her but France looks in thought "it could be a useful opportunity to finally see our foe... we fought him so desperately but we don't even know how he looks." Britain looks at her before nodding "fine... let's go Chun-Yan..." they get up and follow the US to the Peace Talks room

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