Finally my parents are gone for the week my my sisters I get to my self for the first time. So the first time in for ever I'm only nine years old. I wanted to go.but the car was full no one else would min!d me I can see why because I never listen. One time I saw a reflection in the windows maybe it's ne so I turned off the lights and the phone started to ring maybe it mam and dad check up on me but it wasn't my parents it was a murder in my house room so I.called the gards butthe fhone was dead the murder cut the phone Cables. So I snek out though the window of the living room the murder was a robber aswell. So I ran to the garda station and tell them about the murder and robber and they gave me a lift in the police car
To my house and by the time we got.there the house was robbed and thought mam and dad is going to kill me when they get back with my sisters
re flec tion
Fantasyone Halloween night a girl was alone or she thought a so she thought