StellaPyre pt.1

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Stellapyre By: mnngirl


Hi everyone!!! It's me mnngirl! Well this is my first story I'm posting up so I hope you all enjoy and please comment nicely below, and add! Btw this first chapter is super long, but I made it this way so things hopefully wouldn't seem rushed and would be a little more helpful on the main character's life before the "kidnapping". But hope you like it and enjoy! ^_^


Prologue: "Everyone is born with something in them called Sparck. It's the heart...the very core of everything inside one..... It allows you to use magick over the elemenel you've been bestowed upon since birth," Conlaed spoke. Tension and a powerful force rushed through my body then. There was a slight moment of silence until I broke it," Why did you guys save me? I don't even know you both all that well or what this is all about! What do I have to do with this?! "I almost gave Conlaed a glare with the infuriation pulsing through my body. He stared at me with a worried yet bold look, like he was trying to defy something but still wanting to accept it. Then right when Conlaed could say something, a sharp screech blasted through the air.

Chapter 1: I Get Kidnapped

There it is again. That one star up in the sky that always seemed to shine at me every night and always from the exact same spot. It was as if it was drawing me towards it, more each time than the last. Like some kind of...

" Oh- my- gosh! Look at you staring off into the romantic starry night!!! Oh don't you look cute!"

"Chey! What did I tell you about watching me! I'm not even myself when I'm up here alone!" I said followed by a slight laugh.

"Oh please! I knew you'd be up here star gazzin again. You weren't downstairs when I came in, and so I knew you'd be up here mindin your gazzin like you ALWAYS do when I come over. Anyways c'mon we gotta do some work for school tomorrow!" Chey replied.

"All right..... But don't you dare fall asleep on me again like last time." I responded.

"Aye aye captain!" Chey said back with sarcasm.

Chey was my best friend, in fact my only friend at Gillsen High school. We'd known each other since middle school, ever since she moved up here from Texas and when all the kids made fun of her strong southern accent, which personally never really bothered me. Some of the kids at Gillsen High were "those" kids you wanted to avoid; a first and last example would be Livia and her little posse. Every day they bullied us or I should say me. She gave smirks, sneers, everything, sometimes I could've sworn she even hissed at me. I never understood what I did that angered her so much. But like a cycle it was the same bulling, rumors, the evil looks, stolen things, broken things, shoves, pushing, and you name it. One day while I was walking home she even tried dropping a brick from out the window until, luckily, Principal Herbet jumped in and pushed me out of it. So yeah, people like her are the type of people you should ignore and forget about.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Clunk! Crash! "Whoa! Crap!"I murmured. I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was basically broken with a big chunk of it cracked right down the middle, but surprisingly still blinked the time 7:00. I've had this alarm clock for 5 years and never have I caused it to fall or crack. Then I got I got a bad vibe with a chill crawling up my spine. Freaked out, I whispered" It's going to be a normal day like always. Getting up, getting dressed, breakfast, and then off to school. Ok I can do this.(Sigh)" As I headed out the door I yelled back in the house, "Bye dad!"Of course like always I could only make out ,"Byyyyyfreee huoooneeeyyy!"I shrugged like usual and went to school. I met up with Chey in the entrance and we walked together to class.

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