StellaPyre pt.3

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Hello! This is my latest upload of my story, StellaPyre! Ummm.... I kinda worked on it here and there... so I hope you all enjoy, keep reading, and please leave comments!!!! ^_^

Thanks again for reading StellaPyre!



"What was that?!" I yelped.

"The werecats....", Conlaed replied.

"And to think that I took care of most of my troubles". Zephyr eyed me, "but I guess not...."

"We need to get to the portal now. I'd say it will take about 5 minutes till they reach us. Let's get started." Conlaed spoke.

We all started running away from the screeching, Conlaed tightly holding my hand.

Without noticing, I ran through a small bush of thick sharp thorns, ripping gashes through my legs; I shrieked in pain.

They both looked over at me and saw that parts of both of my legs were scarred with blood flowing out continuously.

Conlaed then ripped some spare cloth and quickly wrapped my legs efficiently. Without warning Conlaed instantly picked me up and set me in his arms just like from before.

I couldn't argue with the guy this time. Both of my legs were literally bleeding me to death, and honestly I'd rather get carried away then to stay and wait for the werecats to rip me into pieces.

"C'mon Conlaed! We can't lose any time, especially now since she...."

Conlaed cut Zephyr off, "I know. Let's keep going."

All of us, or more like the two of them, while carrying me, darted straight for this ancient- looking castle structure.

I had no clue that this place even existed, but then again did the place they were taking me to even exist? I didn't want to think anymore.

The pain in my legs were really starting to get to me from losing a lot of blood. Right when I was just about to pass out, Conlaed glanced down at me.

He stared deeply into my eyes, "We're almost there. Please hang on just for a little a bit. Please....."

Then for some odd reason his voice almost seemed to have worked some kind of magic over me, feeling as if his voice was caressing my body and soul.

Trying to hang on I forced my eye lids to stay open and whispered back, "I'll try my best....". In reply he gently smiled back and focused forward once more.

In a few moments Zephyr shouted, "We're here!". I looked forward and saw the ancient castle. For some reason it appeared to be very familiar to me, like I had been here sometime in the past. Hmmm..... I thought.

"We're going to open the portal from this world to another right now. Can I trust you to stay put and to hold on?" Conlaed said.

"I can always cast a binding spell to her Conlaed." Zephyr interrupted.

I looked at him and glared then looked back at Conlaed. "I think I can handle it."

"Good." He replied.

Then he turned his head to Zephyr and nodded his head in approval.

"It's time."

The both of them started drawing weird but interesting symbol markings on the doors in a circular and star outline.

Then Zephyr on the left door struck the wooden door with his palm and yelled, "Unlock!"

Following him, Conlaed did the same thing only now he yelled out something strange, "Arestu mons portalias!".

At first nothing happened, but then sparks began forming in between the gigantic doors and eventually fused the doors and made an even bigger door made up of bolts of electricity.

"Yes! We did it!" Zephyr rejoiced.

"All right let's go now!" Conlaed said back.

He jogged back over to me and picked me back up in his arms.

"See that wasn't so hard was it?" Conlaed asked me.

Before I could answer, the werecats finally arrived and pounced at us.

At the nick of time Zephyr summoned a wind that sent them whiplash.

"You owe me one!" He said while staring at me.

I would argue with him later but for now we had to get out of here!

Zephyr being the closest to the portal, motioned his arms for us to hurry up but it was hard enough for Conlaed to carry me while he was trying to dash to the door.

"This time you're ours!" Livia snarled.

"Not if I can help it!" Zephyr yelled back.

Before Livia could charge at us again, Zephyr shouted out and held his hands infront of him, "Windali tris malmorde!"

A tornado-like wind was summoned and ripped through the werecats, but in defense Livia shrieked back "Nees treiks chimara kets ets!"

Then something weird happened. Two of her subordinates next to her "magically" got up from being unconscious and started walking towards her.

She smiled us at now.

I felt a cold chill go up my spine. Uh-oh, this wasn't gonna be pretty.

Once they reached her she then yelled out, "Fusione chimara!"

In a matter of seconds, in front of our eyes her fangs become even more sharper and vicious, she grew more of a snout, a mane formed around her, and ....... Was she becoming a lion?

But it didn't just end there, the two subordinates who were by her heads started forming on her shoulders.

One becoming scaly, the other becoming a goat thing. It didn't take long after that to figure what was happening.

"Oh my gosh..... Is she becoming what I think she is......?" I said.

"Run. Run. RUN!!! She's becoming a...!"

"A chimera!" Livia finished.

Conlaed ignoring her, didn't stay to find out what she could do and bolted for the portal even faster.

As he ran to the portal, the chimera started to flap it's wings and was just about to fly it's body for the portal now too.

"She's coming for us!" I screamed.

Suddnely the unconscious werecats unexpectedly all leaped for us together and just before one of the werecat's paw landed on Conlaed's back, who was shielding me, an unknown power just like from before leaked out my body.

"Noviend frista lovars frov!" I screamed with all my lungs and will power.

A light bright as the stars beamed out of my body, with me tightly holding on to Conlaed's body, as we jumped into the portal.

Then the last thing I thought before I blacked out was, " For you....... I will......".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2011 ⏰

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