"Hehehehehe" says wizard
"Why you laughing" says Alise
"Hehehehehe" says wizard
"Why you laughing" says Alise
"Hehehehehe" says wizard
"Why you laughing" says Alise
The wizard shocks Alise with lightning.
"Why you shock me" says Alise
"Hehehehehehehehe" says wizard
"Why you shock me" says Alise
"Hehehehehehehehe" says wizard
"Ok that's it" says Alise
Wizard tries to shock Alise, but she punches the lightning.
"He?" Wizard says.
"No she" says Alise as she punches wizard in the face.

ActionShe powerful and will most likely kill you. Given life from fan-fictions she protects you. Each chapter will document one of her fights with amazing powers and all. Wait what's her power, the ability to punch really hard.