The Past

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February 2nd 2014

"Where have you been?" I knew that question would come up, how could I possibly explain to him my quick exist and now my random appearance? It was impossible.

"Oh, well, um I just didn't get along with my dad I guess you could say...." My voice trailed off, my dad, I hadn't seen him in four years. I doubt he'd even remember me if he saw me. Dad and I had a rather difficult relationship, he tried so hard to love me but after all I'd been through with mom and Donald, love became an unfamiliar word and even more unfamiliar feeling. "How is my dad?"

"Officer James? He's great, just got remarried last spring...." My throat swelled shut, my dad was remarried? He never even called, he never even sent a wedding invitation, how could he just forget I existed? His only daughter and he forgot about her. "Roxy, you okay?"

"Wait, what?" His eyes became wide, I must've missed something important. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"Your dad, he's been out of work for a real long time. No ones really seen much of him or Cherri. Everyone's been real worried about him lately" His eyebrows furrowed, there was more to this than he was letting on.

"Yeah, I was planning on seeing him at some point." That was a lie, I had no intentions in seeing my father. I wanted to get out of Pennbrook as quick as possible and without anyone noticing me. "Does he live in the same place?"

"Yeah, I could give you a ride if you want? I'm off the clock." I nodded my head, I wanted this conversation to end, I wanted him to stop asking questions, prying, I couldn't handle it anymore. I was so close to my breaking point, anymore questioning would cause me to fall apart.

He would take me to my dads, I'd pretend like I was actually worried, act as if I was gonna knock on the door and wait till he pulled away. He would leave, thinking I wanted my privacy with my family and I could take off. Hopefully he wouldn't remember seeing me, hopefully he wouldn't say anything about seeing me.

The drive was silent, other than the soft sounds of country music playing. I could feel Aiden's eyes on me, he wanted to question me more, he wanted to know more. "We're almost there right?"

"Yep, couple blocks. Roxy, are you sure you're okay?" The truck stopped moving, I looked up and met his eyes, I wanted to tell him, anyone, anyone who would care, who would be able to help me. That wasn't possible, I was out of options. "I'm fine, trust me!"

We pulled into the driveway, my heart began racing. I remember being a kid and building snowmen by the big oak tree, jumping in piles of orange leaves by the swing set, chalking up my dads driveway with Aiden. I remember being happy, being normal.

"We're here!" I looked up, his house was falling apart. Bricks missing, windows broken out of there moldings, pieces of fence missing, grass almost as high as my knees. The beautiful castle like home my father once kept looking perfect looked more like a haunted house you'd see in a horror movie. "Are you sure he even lives here anymore?"

"Yep, see there's his car" I glanced over to the driveway and sure enough their was his cop car parked next to it a beaten down, rusted Buick. "Who's car is that?"

"Cherri's I think, I told you something's not right. One minute everyone in town loves them and you see them everywhere, I went away on vacation and when I came back, things were like this, no one would tell me anything"

I slowly began existing the truck, was I really going to check on them? My dad and his stranger of a wife? Why should I? They never checked on me! Before I even realized what I was doing, I was at the door and pressing the doorbell.

"Who is-" His voice stopped, the color in his skin faded away, his bright blue eyes that matched mine widened. "Roxanne?"

"Dad" Was all I managed to let out.

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