Chapter 7 ↬ A night to ourselves ⚠️LEMON/SMUT⚠️

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The door of the apartment opened quickly and you rushed inside with Mark behind you, shutting the door and locking it. You looked over at the clock and it read "12:30 a.m.". You looked over at Mark as he approached you, dropping the keys on the counter and said, "It's 12:30!" Mark looked over at the clock and said, "No way!" And the clock confirmed it. He looked at you and said, "Damn, time flies! Maybe we could pull an all nighter!" He poked your belly and you backed away with a smile, "Hey!" Mark smirked and stepped closer and said, "What? You don't like this?" He began to poke you many times and it caused you to started laughing. "Maaark! Stop! It's too much!" He stopped and said, "Alright, I'll stop." And laughed along with you but then said, "Oh yeah! Wanna try to pull an all-nighter?"

You smiled and nodded, "Yeah! Sounds awesome! But first, I need a shower." He nodded and said, "Ok, go take your shower and I'll look for another movie." You nodded and ran to his room to grab some pajamas and a clean pair of panties. You didn't bother grabbing a bra, they're so uncomfortable. You walked into the bathroom and turned on the warm water and undressed yourself. Once you got in, you let your hair and body get soaked and began to scrub you hair with soap. Suddenly, you heard Mark's voice from the door, "Hey, (Y/n)! When you get out, could you please leave the water running? I'll jump in as soon as you get out." You shouted back to him, "Sure thing!" Then, kept washing yourself.

Once you were done, you got out the shower and called to Mark, "Hey Mark! I'm out the shower!" And quickly wrapped yourself in a towel. You heard Mark approach the door and knock, "Is it safe to come in?" You replied with a laugh, "Yeah, it's safe." He opened the door with a smile and teased you, "Aaah! A girl! In my bathroom!" You laughed and responded, "I'm gonna give you cOoTiEs!" Mark faked a womanly scream and you poked his belly multiple times and he giggled and tried to slap your hands away, "Quit! Quit! I need to bathe myself!" You stepped out the way and Mark walked into the bathroom in a royal like manner with his head held high and patted your head, "Thank you, servant. I shall now clean myself."

You rolled your eyes and walked out the bathroom with your clothes and responded with, "Enjoy yourself, your majesty." And bowed before shutting the door. You walked into his room and dried yourself off and slipped your clothes on. Then, scrubbed your hair with the towel and tried to dry it the best you could. You looked in the mirror and brushed your fingers through your hair and noticed that your scars and bruises were fading. You looked down at yourself and sighed. You looked back at the mirror and smiled to yourself. You were in deep thought for a while, thinking about your bruises and scars. Looking at them, thinking about improvement. Thinking about how things are better and how you felt better physically, mentally and emotionally. You couldn't help but to smile more.

You looked into the mirror once again, taking in your features. You turned to the side and looked at your figure. You noticed something about yourself and it made you feel happy. You noticed that your figure was developing and you liked it! Your breasts fit nicely with your figure, as well as your booty. You felt this weird feeling in your stomach that made you excited almost. It felt like you were starting to accept yourself. Thinking about what Mark had told you before, about how you were beautiful in his eyes. It made you blush incredibly and you felt a slight boost of confidence. You smiled brightly and struck a pose in the mirror and winked at yourself.

"Woah! I didn't realize we had a model in the house!" Mark's voice spoke out and it spooked you and you jumped, looking over at him. He stood at the doorway with a towel around his waist and you blushed incredibly and said, "Mark! How long have you been standing there!?" He laughed and said, "Only about literally 5 seconds. I saw your little boost of confidence! That was so cuuuute!" He squealed like a girl. You blushed even more and covered your face with your hands, "Maaaark! This is so embarrassing!" He walked over and hugged you while saying, "Aw, (Y/n)! You don't need to be embarrassed! It makes me so happy to see you starting to love yourself because that's all I ever wanted." He pulled back and pulled your hands away from your face and you both made eye contact as he continued, "I want to see you enjoying yourself. I want you to be happy." He made you smile and you hugged him and closed your eyes and said, "You make me happy, Mark."

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