Bros forever

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Chad walked up to Brad's house.
*knock knock*
"BRADD HURRY UPP" Chad yells still banging on the door.
"Jeez bro hold up I had to shower because I was at the gym." Brad says opening the door.
"Ok can I come in while I wait for you then?" Chad says leaning against the door.
"Sure bro" Brad says walking back to his room.
Chad waits in the living room.
"Ok let's go" Brad says grabbing his wrestling bag.
They hop in Chad's car and head over to practice.

At practice-
"UgHh!" Chad says struggling to wrestle.
"Hey McWheil!" The coach orders him over
"Uh yeah coach?"
"Chad. I can see that your struggling so why dont you go and practice with Brad for the day."
"Oh yeah okay" Chad says walking to get Brad.
"Hey dude, coach wants me to wrestle at home with you." Chad says.
"Yeah your a mess." Brad says plainly"
"Ugh" Chad says rolling his eyes.

Back at Chad's house-

"My moms out of town so we have the house I guess." Chad says putting down the note his mom left him.
"Okay, so let's get started."
3rd pov
Brad pushes against Chad firmly. Chad struggles to stay upward. Regaining his strength Chad pushes back, his hands around his waist, sending brad on his back with Chad basically on top of him.
"Hahaha not so bad after all." Brad says chuckling.
Suddenly brad grabs Chad's arm and pins it behind him. Sitting on his ass.
Brad's POV-
He snaps back into reality realizing that he is still sitting on him.
3rd pov-
"Sorry bro, did that hurt?" Brad says nervously.
"Its okay.." Chad says.
Chad grabs a hold of Brad's arm and pulls him down. Brad's now basically stratling him when Chad wiggles to move out from under him and pinning him down.
"Got you!" Chad says confidently. But chad was thinking about other things right now.
Chad's mind- he was on top of me.  SHIT. DONT BLUSH DONT BLUSH DONT BLUSH DONT BLUSH!

3rd POv-
Chad let go of him suddenly.
"You okay?" Brad asks hesitantly.
"Oh uh-uh yeah I have to go to the bathroom..I'll be back" Chad says rushing to the bathroom.

Brad's PoV-
Shit. He must be so disgusted..I was on top of him. And I-I liked it..

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