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Chad's POV-
He wrapped the towel around his waist.
He exited the bathroom. Walking into the kitchen to go to his room he sees a VERY RED Brad.

Heheard the door to the bathroom close. He cant help but imagine what he would look like. He felt his face get red. But it got even redder when he entered the room.
"You don't look so good, are you okay? Chad says with a slight blush.
"Uh yeah haha I'm fine." Brad says itching his head nervously.
"Okay I'm going to my room so I'll be right back." Chad says heading up stairs.

Chad comes back down stairs 5 minutes later and sits down at the table next to Brad.
"Wanna go up to my room and play super smash bros?" Chad asks.
"Sure sounds fun!" Brad says, glad that the subject changed.

Chad's room after smash bros-
"Hey it's really late." Chad says realizing the time.
"Can I ask my mom if I can stay over?" Brad says getting his phone out.
"Oh sure." Chad says looking at the clock.
Minecraftpro6969: hey mom can I stay at Chad's house?
Mom: sure sweetie just make sure you get your work done!

"Hey Chad my mom said I can."
"Okay cool, wanna watch a scary movie?" Chad said
"Uhh sure." Brad said.
"So we dont have any scary movies but we have..soap-operas?.." Chad says looking at a movie that says "Pedro Rodriguez el Romantica."
"Sounds weird. Let's watch it." Brad says shrugging.

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