Chapter 1 - Kingsley

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Chapter 1


I was drunk. I didn't need an expert to tell me. My vision was hazy and everything was louder than it should be. Looking around I could see Mason seducing a Dom, but I could not for the life of me remember the Dom's name. I must not have played with that one before. I watched as the Dom lightly took hold of Mason's neck and kiss him before I took notice of the collar around Mason's neck. Ah, right. I remember now that Mason mentioned bringing his Dom to the club soon. I'll introduce myself another time, I thought to myself before finishing off the drink I had. I loved when Wildex got new bartenders, they didn't know that Subs like myself were supposed to be limited to three drinks for the night. And they always put x's on our hands to track the drinks. Right now I'd say I had maybe six or seven on my hand. I lost count after my fifth. Master Aaron, the owner of Wildex, was soo going to paddle my ass. But I didn't care. I was so over the week.

I stumbled as I made my way to the bar for my next drink, squeaking when I tripped and fell into a passing Dom's chest. He caught me swiftly and gave a short growl when his drink had spilled a bit. "Be mindful of where you're walking" he said, standing me upright. I looked up at him and almost drooled, staring up at Master Andreas. He was the one Dom that I wanted to take me, and the only one that hasn't yet. He's never taken a sub to bed, and few have gotten the opportunity to even pleasure him. I saw his eyes narrow before he was grabbing the sides of my face with one of his large hands. "Are you drunk?" His tone low and commanding, my head nodding before I could think about it. "How many have you had?"

I furrowed my eyebrows in thought before slyly grinning. "Only uh.. eh... three, Master Andreas" I slurred badly. All of these doms knew I was no light-weight. Hell, I was the reason that we had the three drink limit. I knew from the moment that I said three, he didn't believe me. He grabbed my hand and went wide eyed at the number of x's that were splayed on my hand.

"Kingsley!" He growled lowly. "There are nine fucking marks on your hand! How did you even manage to get this many?" He demanded, glaring down at me. Huh, that was more than I had thought. Unable to really voice an answer, I shrugged and pointed to the bar a bit shakily. If Andreas wasn't holding me up, I'd definitely be on the ground right now. I was swaying even with his hold. He quickly downed the rest of his drink as there wasn't much left, and steadied me with both hands. "I'm taking you to Aaron, someone will collect your belongings, and I'm bringing you home." He left no room for argument, though I wasn't in the right mind to argue anyways, as he lifted me up and carried me past the lounge to Master Aaron's office.

When we walked into Master Aaron's office Andreas laid me on the couch and sighed deeply shaking his head. He walked to Aaron's desk looking very unhappy. Aaron just looked over at me with a raised eyebrow before at Andreas. "Why have you brought Kingsley in here? I thought you weren't taking a sub tonight?"

Andreas sat down, "I'm not. He stumbled into me, drunk off his ass and ready to get another drink. You need a new bartender. He served and marked Kingsley nine different times." At the number Aaron's eyes went wide as he glared over at me.

"How many times have I fucking told you, you are only allowed three. Under no circumstances should you ever have more than that in this club!" He had raised his voice and stood up ready to walk over. I just let out a weak whimper and curled up trying to hide myself as best as I could. The yelling was killing my head and the world was starting to fade out little by little. I saw Andreas stand and say something to Aaron, but I couldn't make out what it was before my vision completely vanished and I was left to the darkness that a drunken sleep brought me.


I woke up to the sun burning my eyes, and my head pounding in the worst way. I let out a disgruntled sound and hid my face in the pillows. Pillows that were softer than mine, and did not smell like me. Frowning, and very confused, I lifted my head and opened my eyes enough to scope out my surroundings. Where the fuck am I? It's definitely not Aaron's house, I'd been there more times than I can count. I grunted softly as I brought myself to a sitting position and saw myself on the wall that was one giant mirror. My skin was clear of hickeys which was a good thing, but my hair was sticking up every which way and I looked just as bad as I felt. There was nothing in the room to indicate where I was, I don't remember a single thing from last night. There was no pain in my butt though, so I definitely didn't find a dom to play with.

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