'Try to find the difference' Challenges are getting harder oof
Jisungs photo spam is going to be tomorrow bc it's still the 13rd September (in my time zone)
I am so upset right now:/
Storytime pt. 3
a friend invited me to watch a movie like 3 hours ago (6pm) and I was like 🤔 but still accepted the invitation. The movie would start at 8:30pm. So we bought the tickets. Suddenly when we were about to enter the movie theatre(?)(well the room where the movie is) at 8:20pm, this one friend found out that the approximate time takes longer than expected (he/she thought that it takes like 2 hours and not more) and before we planned to go to the cinema, I EVEN ASKED THIS PERSON HOW LONG IT TAKES AND WHEN IT STARTS (he/she was very confident about the time, unfortunately).The person said that he/she needs to go home or it would be too late. So we went outside, I called my mom to pick me up and explained what happened. The person waited like 7 minutes with me but had to take the train, so I said I would be alright alone. When I was left alone, I started crying in the mall and was like, why me???
And now, I am at home. (9pm)Well I hope y'all had a better day than me. <3