Chapter 1 : The Intro

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With each passing day, Tenten grew more and more frustrated. As well as lovestruck.

It wasn't like her feelings for Neji had suddenly appeared, they had always been there. It just continued to grow and grow until it was obvious to everyone in Konoha. She didn't show it that much but just one look from her and it was crystal clear that she too, was charmed by the white-eyed genius.

On an especially frustrating day, she stomped into Ichiraku Ramen Bar to literally just let the smell and taste of ramen wash away her frustration. She had run out of other distractions and this was the only thing left.

She ordered a large bowl of ramen and began stress eating.

Little did she know, she wasn't going to be alone any longer.

"I told you already Billboard Brow, Sasuke-kun is mine!"

"Yeah right Ino-pig! Sasuke-kun doesn't want anything to do with you!"

"As if he wanted to do anything with you!"

"What did you say Pig?!"

She turns her head to see Sakura and Ino enter the ramen bar, bickering about Sasuke again ( Tenten really didn't see what was so good about him).

She ignores them and continues stress eating for a few minutes when a poke disturbs her. She looks up from her ramen and sees the smirking faces of the two younger kunoichi.

"What?" the weapons mistress asked.

Ino glanced over from beside her and smirked again "I know that look. I see it on Forehead Girl's face all the time." She leaned in closer to her as if they were sharing a secret with a look as if she'd discover somthing new. "Who do you have feelings for, Tennie-chan~?" she asked Tenten bluntly.

Tenten froze and felt her face reddened. "W-What are you talking about?"

Sakura looked at her funny "Wow. You're as clear as Ino-pig." She also leans in closer "It has to be someone on your team right? Wait-" her look of happiness was suddenly replaced by a horrified one as she looked at Ino. "It's not...........Lee, is it?"

Tenten's face also turns into a horrified expression "No! Definitely not! Never ever in a million years!" she shouts.

Sakura and Ino look at each other and smirk once again.

"Then its Neji, right?" Ino inquires.

The look on Tenten's face said it all.

"I knew it!" she exclaims.

"Ssshhhhh! Don't spread it!" Tenten hisses.

"I don't need to. The only person I would have told is right here." the mind-reader said pointing to the cherry-blossomed hair kunoichi with a victorious look on her face.

"Awwwwww, Tenten's being all shy!" Sakura laughed.

"So you like him but you don't know if he likes you back? That's normal! You came to the right people!" the florist enthusiastically said.

"But I didn't ask for either of your help!" Tenten protested, only to be brushed off by the two squealing girls.

"I'll start!" Ino yelled out with a look of approval from Sakura.

"Okay, the first thing you have to do is-"

"Don't tell me you're going to make her seduce Neji," Shikamaru's annoyed voice loomed over the three girls. They all looked at his direction to see that he had just entered the ramen place, accompanied by Choji, who was already going through the menu. The genius sighs and turns to Tenten "If she tells you to do that, don't even think about it." he warned her.

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