Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Throwing my coat on the peg behind my bedroom door, I shoved my rucksack onto the clean sheets and opened up my laptop. Waiting for it to load, I decided to check through my messages. I squinted at the screen to see over 200 messages. Confused I clicked green icon to find that I had been added to a group chat. I mentally grunted before scrolling to the top. All the messages were just about how school went, so I locked my phone and opened up Tumblr. Time for some stalking. I swear I was so good, I could be in some sort of secret agent school, but then again most people on the internet were good at this. Thinking from Joe’s point of view, I decided to simply type in his name, and see what came up. My eyes grew wider as I found his blog. Half naked photos and over filtered photos filled the screen along with deep, meaningful quotes to match the dramatic poses in black and white.

‘Quite the Tumblr boy as I expected.’ I smirked before exiting the page. I would much rather be staring at Joe Suggs abs than his. I quickly unplugged my phone from its charger and messaged the other guys.

N: Guess who I found on tumblr?

R: Let me guess, Joe?

N: How did you know?

R: Dude, everybody knows

N: Oh

O: I suggest you don’t go flirting with him or his mates. He’s kind of a player.

A player? Joe was a player? I almost wanted to gag but half my brain had expected it. The players. The guys who thought they owned all the girls and could wrap any one of them around their fingers. Well guess what? If they wanted to ‘play me’ then good luck to them for trying.

For a few more minutes, I carried on talking to my new friends (wow, that felt weird to say) about my life, avoiding things like ‘no parents’ or ‘never had a boyfriend’.

N: I have to go buy food now, byee!

A few message notifications came but I ignored them and left with my keys and some money. The sky had already begun to turn dark and I hoped I wouldn’t have to leave the store in pitch black. It’s not like I’m scared of the dark. I mean, I love the night and all but I think I prefer it wrapped up in a duvet cocoon with a jar of Nutella by my side. I stepped into the cool night air which made my arms get goose bumps. I should’ve brought a coat. My Chelsea boots clicked as I made my way down the path towards the shops. Occasionally, a few cars would drive by, or the odd man smoking by the bus stop would say hello, but otherwise it was silent. I finally reached the store and gladly hopped in through the automatic doors, breathing in the scent of baked bread and muffins. Grabbing a basket, I headed towards the frozen food isle and began to grab some pizzas and chips. After loading myself with junk food, I thought why not be healthy and lugged my heavy basket over to the fruit stand. A vast array of coloured fruits stood before me, ranging from passion fruits to grapes. Deciding to not be adventurous, I picked up a bag of Granny Smith’s and left to pay. As I left the shop, I began to daydream about Luke Hemming’s randomly turning up to my apartment, until suddenly, I smashed straight into something. I stumbled back, rubbing my nose and forehead, trying to numb the pain.

‘You sure are an idiot.’ cried somebody near me. I stopped fiddling with my face and peered round to meet eyes with the one and only Joe. He braethed out into the crisp air, making it look like he had just taken a puff from a cigarette. He wore sweat pants along with skateshoes and a varsity jacket.

‘Hey, the streetlight needed some attention. I gave it some love.’ I said sarcastically. Joe just chuckled and shook his head while picking up his bags of food.

‘Need a lift?’ he asked hopefully. I whipped round and stared at him, seeing mischief glinting in his olive green eyes. So that’s the colour of his eyes. I shook my head, knowing what he wanted to do, and began to skip home. Just as I expected, his sleek car drove slowly behind me until I finally gave in. I guess he should’ve read my label first because I don’t give in easily. I carried on down the pavement, letting him slowly waste his petrol. Eventually, he rolled down his window and shouted.

‘You didn’t answer my question!’

‘Well sorry. And no, I don’t want a lift, now will you please stop following me like a paedophile and go back to you girlfriend.’ I grunted, mentally face palming myself for sounding like a hog.

His cheeky smile faded as he rolled his tinted windows back up and carried on cruising down the empty streets. I exhaled heavily as I opened my front door and stepped in to feel the warmth.

‘This is enough for one day.’ I breathed, dumping my freshly bought food into the freezer. The time was now 11pm, the perfect time for me. I grabbed a large pack of cheese puffs and a bottle of water in case I was thirsty and took them to my bedroom. I settled down, my back against the largest pillow I could find, and placed my laptop on my legs. I started to type in a bunch of social media sites before realising I had left the light on.

‘You have got to be kidding me.’ I said while flopping over to the side. Don’t you just hate this moment when you really don’t want to move? I tried reaching for the light switch, but seeing how it was three metres away from me, it was pretty much no use at all. Irritated, I got up and switched of the light making sure that I had had remembered everything I needed to do before getting back into bed. Being me, as I made my way back to the cozy world of the web, I tripped over my phone’s charger and fell face first onto my cheese puffs. Luckily for me, only a couple fell out the bag and I picked them up and placed them into my mouth.

‘Time for a Troye Sivan marathon…or should I catch up with more episodes of American Horror Story. Decisions.’

Finally settling with Troye, I logged into Youtube – correction – I never signed out, and began to stalk all the fetus videos of Troye. By the time it was two in the morning, I had given up with Youtube, and had swapped over to Tumblr. I knew it was a bad idea, but I decided to type in ‘phan smut’ and casually read while fangirling my socks off. Except I wasn’t wearing socks, and I probably wouldn’t be casually reading it. Hours ticked by until I felt my eyes slowly droop down. Getting out of bed, I glanced at the ivory clock hanging on the wall seeing I had been awake for almost 24 hours.

‘Shit.’ I wearied realising that there was only three hours until another day of school. I multi tasked my brushing my teeth and using a makeup wipe to remove my eyeliner. I threw on a random t shirt and jumped into bed, ignoring the fact that I had probably spilt cheese puffs everywhere again.

A couple of hours later (literally a couple hours later) my alarm had once again gone off, but in no way was I ready to get out of bed and say I’m ready like SpongeBob. Surely a few more hours sleep wouldn’t hurt a fly? Screw it; the time I even make a decision, three hours would’ve flown by. I whipped off my duvet and began my daily routine all over again.

‘Calm down hormones, it’s not Halloween yet.’ I said, whacking on some foundation to cover spots and the large under eye bags. By the time I was ready, I had already missed the bus and ended up going to school by foot. As I opened my front door, I saw the same car that had been following me yesterday.

‘Are you for real!?’ I yelled. This was going to be a long journey to school.


I'm back! I've realised my chapters are quite short so I'm going to try my best to make them slightly longer in the ones that come after. Vote, Comment, Follow! - xVintageBearx

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