Chapter 17 : His Astrology Sign

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    *Damn it feels good to be a gangsta~* I hear my alarm music go off. I raise my body up as I sit in bed, turning my alarm off. "It appears to be Wednesday, October 3rd already? Oh how time flies..." I murmur to myself, looking at the date on my device. "Well... Time for the educational place." I get out of bed and do my usual routine for school days, and begin to walk towards my school. As I was walking, I encounter a student from my Literature class. I don't quite remember her name but I believe it started with an H. I stare at her for a few moments... Mostly because she was hiding behind a dumpster with a frightened expression on her face. So I walk behind her and tap on her shoulder. "Oh my gosh!" She screams as she holds her heart, "You scared me..." She breathes in relief. "Is there something the matter? Why is it that your hiding behind this filthy trash can." I ask while folding my arms over my chest. She stares at me with uncertainty in her eyes, "Erm... I was hiding from someone." She stutters. As I suspected. I tilt my head and ask, "Who?" She looks behind me and tears fall from her face, "I-I'm sorry! I won't talk to you ever again!" I look behind me to be met with two abnormally large breasts. I grimace at the sight and look up to see the school's most popular female student, Chihiro.

I'll say, her name doesn't really fit her appearance. Chihiro is a name meant to be for a soft and shy being, not for someone that practically is a whore. "Aww~ Your so cute and small! Did you get lost little girl?" Chihiro asks me. Well she obviously never met me before. "I apologize for ruining your assumptions, but I am 13 years old, and I am simply concerned for this fellow student of mine." I point at the girl who's name starts with an H and Chihiro puts her hands on her waist while smiling at me, "Aww~ Whatever you say is simply adorable! But you shouldn't be worried for this loser. She's not worth people caring for her." "Tell me Chihiro, what has this girl done to you?" I ask staring at her dead in the eye. Chihiro flips her hair and applies lip gloss to her lips, "She dared to talk to me in front of everyone, that's what she did." "I didn't know you weren't in the mood to talk, I'm so sorry Chihiro!" The girl behind me says. Chihiro gives the girl an evil grin and pushes me aside to stand in front of her. Why that was rude of her to do. Chihiro grabs the girl tightly by her shoulder and says, "Don't you dare even talk to or acknowledge me ever again for the rest of your life, or I will-"


I look over to my right and see Asahi waving and running across the street towards me. Chihiro looks over at Asahi and stops intimidating the poor girl, undoing a few of her uniform buttons and fixing her hair. By the time Asahi stood in front of me, panting because of the cardio he has presented, Chihiro touched up all of her makeup, which made me role my eyes at how much of a typical girl this female is. Did I say that before? Well if I did, I just wished to remind you. "Want to walk to school together?" Asahi asks me while smiling from ear to ear. Chihiro clears her throat and Asahi turns to look at her. "Chihiro! There you are, I haven't seen you all day yesterday. Was my darling sick?" Asahi walks over to Chihiro and grabs her by the waist, pulling her close. *Sighs* Of course he has a bitch as a girlfriend, expected of a heterosexual Asahi. I look over to where the girl who's name starts with an H is and she was slowly backing away from the couple. I shake my head at her fear and just grab her arm, pulling her to walk with me towards the school. "W-What are you doing?" "Helping you from the repulsive heterosexual couple, what else would I possibly be doing now?" I ask in a 'Obviously' tone. She just nods and walks by my side. We walk in silence for about 15 minutes, long gone from Asahi and his perasite and she finally asks, "U-Um, what's your name?" I let go of her wrist that I haven't noticed I was still holding and say, "Ariel, Ariel Retrieval. What is yours?" "H-Haruhi Noru." She stammers. I nod in response and we finally make it in front of the school. "It was a pleasure to meet you Haruhi, please do not let Chihiro do what she pleases to you. I'll be going now." I turn around to walk away when I hear, "Wait!" So I turn back towards her. "What year are you in?" She asks. "3rd." I reply. Then I begin to walk in the school building.


Today was quite a long day, I never expected so much work to be given to me. As I was walking outside of the school building I felt a pair of hands squeeze my bottom. So I quickly turn around and prepare to destroy whoever has done that but then sigh in despair when I realize who it was. "Hello my pretty little diamond~💕 I missed you." "And why are you at my school?" I question, not wasting any time. "Hoho, as impatient as ever I see. Well didn't Ayumu tell you? Today is my interview to work at your school, isn't that great? Now we can be close to each other~💖" I momentarily glare at the ground due to the information Yamika was informing me about. "Ashikaga did not tell me." I say while keeping my irration to a minimum. "What position are you applying for?" I ask. Yamika puts her hand on her hip and flips her hair back, "Why a Nurse of course." I think about this and realize that I hardly ever see myself to the Nurse, which means I won't be seeing much of this lustful predator, unless she enjoys walking through the hallways for enjoyment... That would be an issue. Yamika looks at her device and then smirks at me, "Hm, I have to go now my precious star~ The meeting is starting in 5 minutes. Wish me luck, beautiful! 💖" Yamika shouts to me as she walks towards the school's front doors. "I beg of you lord, please do not allow her to succeed in her interview." I murmur to myself in a plead. I must go to the underground facility, I assume Mister Ashikaga has already did his research on Heikai Otoru and he needs to inform me on it. With that, I start to walk towards where Ashikaga Tower is located and make it there in a time spam of 12 minutes. Pulling open the front doors, I walk into the building and walk to where the elevator in that empty hallway was at. "Greetings, Toshibo." Toshibo looks up from his device in his hand and smiles with his teeth showing. "This song is me jam! How yeh' doin'?" Toshibo asks, fixing his yellow tie.

"I'm doing just swell. Thank you for asking, however, I do have much work to do... Acedmic wise." Toshibo nods in understanding, "Aw man, homework really be theh' stress of all youngen's now and days." He shakes his head and looks over to the right of me. "Where have yeh' been? Miss, This song is me jam, has already beat ya' here!"
I turn my head towards where Toshibo was screaming and role my eyes at Asahi running his way towards us. "I-I'm sorry," Asahi takes a deep breath and then let's it all out while facing Toshibo. "I was talking to Chihiro~" "Eh? That lass with theh' blonde locks?" Toshibo questions. Asahi nods and shows his ID card, that he actually didn't forget today, to Toshibo. Toshibo takes a glance at it and then moves aside to let us through. We both walk into the elevator, saying goodbye to Toshibo and wait patiently as it went down. "How come you didn't wait for me?" Asahi asks with sadness. "I did not want to interrupt your little couple's reunion with the bi- your lover." Asahi looks at me in a confused manner and then shrugs his shoulders. The elevator stops to our destination so we walk out to be greeted by Mister Ashikaga, and he was acompanied by Soléne and Kuno. "Asahi!!! My babyboy is back!" "Oh dad... You can never learn, can you?" But Mister Ashikaga continued to smother Asahi with kisses. "I can't believe your birthday is coming so soon! My son is going to be an adult." Asahi shakes his head at his father while Soléne and Kuno just laugh in amusement. "Dad... My birthday was on July 4th. It's literally October right now." Asahi announces. Hmm, I see. I believe the astrology sign for July 4th children is a Cancer... And the day is also a holiday in America.

"I know that, but thinking about it makes it seem like it's closer!" Mister Ashikaga enthusiastically states. "Mister Ashikaga, may I know the month and day you were born in?" Mister Ashikaga nods, saying, "June 4th." I think about this and then say, "Oh my, well isn't the day a very large coincidence for both of your births." Mister Ashikaga nods, "Yes, it's like we were meant to be father and son." I nod as well, and then all four of us follow Mister Ashikaga to where he is going. If Mister Ashikaga was born on the early days of June, that would make his astrology sign a Gemini. Well... A Gemini and a Cancer is an odd mixture, but it can work... Possibly. We eventually make it to the destination Mister Ashikaga was taking us, and it was the computer room. "Okay guys, I found out something yesterday with the help of Ariel. A man named Heikai Otoru is another boss of assassins that are running wild in this area... And he may know something about the Yudainā Daiyamondo. So I searched him up to speak with him." Mister Ashikaga turns his body to type things on a computer and move things around on a hologram. "This is what I found." All four of us look up to see that Heikai Otoru does not look at all on what he sounds like. In fact, he seems to be a child that looks about 7 to 9.

"Wow... I thought Ariel was the only one that existed on being a kid. Look! He's taller than her!" Asahi comments.

I swear upon the gods I will put Asahi in his grave one day 💢.

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