Everyone Ready?

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Ana and Gordon stretched out on the couch in his office and watched on the monitor as the 12 contestants walked around the restaurant. She could already tell the ones that would leave first or be in Gordon's sights. She smiled when Jean-Phillipe came on screen, making Gordon roll his eyes. She adored JP, but he and Gordon lovingly fought over everything.

"My name is Jean-Phillipe, I am the Maitre'd of Hell's Kitchen. You will soon be meeting Chef Ramsay. But first, let me introduce you to two very important people." They watched as Scott and Maryann two of Gordon's sous chefs introduced themselves to the contestants. "We're Chef Ramsay's Sous Chefs, that means we're second in command." Maryann started.

"You will be tested on everything it takes to run a successful restaurant." Scott continued. "In fact, your first test begins right now." Maryann finished. Ana was proud of their team and how well they were doing. They weren't actors so this didn't come easy to them, but these were some of Gordon's most tested staff and they could withstand anything.

"Chef Ramsay has asked that you each prepare your signature dish. The dish that most shows who you are. Chef Ramsay will be here in 45 minutes, and he's bringing a special guest. So you do not want to mess up." Scott and Maryann looked at each other with a significant look. They knew what Gordon was like with her and it was only worse now that she was pregnant again.

"What are you waiting for?! The kitchen is behind you. Begin!" Scott called. She watched as the cameras ran around making sure to catch as much of the cooking as possible. She hadn't planned on falling asleep as they waited but Gordon's hand was rubbing circles on her stomach and his hands were so warm and made the tired muscles quit their aching.

She was surprised when she woke up to Gordon calling softly to her. "Darling, Darling, we have to go downstairs in just a moment. I'm sorry, sweet. I hate waking you up." He said sorrowfully. She smiled and stretched. "Don't worry about it, baby. It seems your hands are as magical as ever." She said with a wink, causing him to growl slightly and her to giggle.

"I'm all rested now. Go scare some chefs and introduce me." She stood and brushed any wrinkles out of her outfit. Gordon stood and did the same. Within seconds her eyes had wondered and she found she was staring at her husband in his full Chef attire. She always has loved his chef outfit.

"Dear, if you keep looking at me like that I'll cancel the show and see if we can have another set of twins." He said playfully and wrapped her in his arms. She blushed, how is it that after 10 years and having seen her give birth she could still blush like a schoolgirl over him. This man still gave her butterflies and it seemed she was lucky enough that he felt the same way.

"They're ready for you, Chef." Someone said knocking on the office door. They all knew better than to enter a closed room they were in. "Alright, Darling, wish me luck. See you in a second." With a quick kiss he turned and she watched mesmerized as her husband turned into Chef Ramsay.

She watched her husband come on screen and couldn't help but grin. He looked so wonderful. He introduced himself and as he began her introduction she went down the stairs to make her entrance. "Special person. The Sous Chef of my life and mother of the new generation of chefs. My pregnant wife, Anastasia Ramsay." She heard him say and her smile was a mile wide.

She hit her mark and looked at the contestants in person for the first time. They had looked scared before, now they looked a mixture of shocked and horrified. She wanted to laugh, Gordon had that effect on others. The first show would be their official announcement of her pregnancy and would be great for ratings.

"Hello everyone." She said with a smile. "Hello, Chef!" She couldn't say she hadn't missed that. The respect that was shown in a kitchen was an amazing feeling. "Now, I'm going to wish you all luck." She looked at her husband teasingly. "You'll need it." She said with a laugh. "But really, good luck and I'll try to keep Gordon from killing you."

She looked up to her husband again with a smirk. He gave a dark chuckle. One of the reasons they were such a great match was that she loved this side of him. It had never been directed at her, the man was too smart for that, but she truly enjoyed watching him chew up and spit out the weak.

"Alright, first up."

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