Prologue - Crash Log

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Prince..... Pr......... Princ...ess.... "Princess!"

"General! There you are! Where-"

"Princess, we have... ad transmission.... can't hear you."

"General, you're cutting out. I need you to tell me where I am, right now."






"Milky.... way...."

"The milky way galaxy? That's where I am?"


"No, no, don't turn off yet!"


"General, what is the state of my-"




"No! No, come on! General! Come in, General! Captain Sugar Bullet to General Whelk!"


"Okay. Okay, calm down Ro. You've got this."

"Log's still recording. Okay. Princess Rosanna of planet Kesi, also known as Captain Sugar Bullet - I have awoken after a..."


"I um.... after a 10 year period.... in hypersleep. I.... right. Running diagnostics on the ship."

"Okay. The ship's outer hull was damaged when I went through the asteroid field... 10... years... ago. And the CES has locked up to protect itself. Which means, until I am rescued, or the ship crashes and released the CES. I am adrift in a galaxy 300 light years away."


"Oh my god, there's a planet... water, land... oh my god, life signals detected. That planet has life on it! Please, to any god in the entire universe listening to me, please say they understand at least the very basics of space travel."

The Adventures of Treble Cleff and Sugar BulletWhere stories live. Discover now