Floor 6: Otohime and Fisher Tiger

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"WOW! AWESSSSSSSOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEE! Chopper cheered out in amazement as he stared at the scene, Zoro really was the best wasn't he?! How many humans could take on a Fishman underwater and still win?!

"That really is so cool, Zoro!" Luffy cheered before he realized something and asked in confusion, "Wait... if you beat him here, why was he at the plaza?"

Current Zoro sighed before he explained, "Because that idiot can't fight without overdosing on drugs, that's why."

Memory Zoro had now moved far behind Hody as blood was now seeping into the water.

"CAPTAIN HODY!" the New Fishman Pirates cried, their captain slowly sinking deeper as blood drifted out of his wound.

"How can a human move faster than a Fishman underwater?! Who the hell is that guy?!" someone else cried out as the current Zoro smirked.

He was their worst nightmare... he only wished he had enough air to say it to them. His past self's face twitched a little, and it was clear that he was quickly running out of air. He kicked off from the bottom and headed upwards where the palace hadn't filled with water. But the other pirates weren't going to take it lying down for each and every one of them pulled out one of those pills and swallowed them.

The effects were almost instant, causing the Fishman's eyes to glow red and their muscles pumped out. With evil grins and a dark chuckle starting to sound out from all of them, they began looking up to where memory Zoro was closing in on the surface.

"Big deal," current Zoro said unimpressed. He could make his muscles larger than that without resorting to cheap pills.

"Just where did they get those things anyway?" Sanji asked darkly. "They aren't normal. Hey, Chopper... is this something like your Rumble Ball?"

"Maybe...?" Chopper said slowly. "But my Rumble Balls don't make me stronger like that. They just help me shift to my other transformations and I only need it for my Monster Point now. These pills are different... it seems like it at least doubles a person's natural strength...? But there has to be some kind of side-effect... almost no medicine out there doesn't have one? With my Rumble Balls, I could only use it for a few minutes... and I couldn't take them over and over."

"This pill does have a real nasty side effect," Nami sighed. They all looked to her, ignoring how the New Fishman Pirates continued to change underwater... looking like some kind of dark creatures from the depths of the sea about to drag sailors down to hell. "After you boys left the palace to get the treasure back...?" it was so serious that she didn't even glare at them about how they just gave all their treasure away, though the three in question did flinch a little when they remembered how they were sent flying out of the palace with bloody lumps.

"Left? You forced us out," Zoro whispered darkly.

"Some guards came to get us, saying that something had happened to Hody and his men inside their cells," Nami went on, having not heard Zoro. "We thought that they were causing trouble but when we got there...?"

And so she told them about the fate of the leaders of the New Fishman pirates, which resulted in the others looking horrified. They weren't even watching how the Fishmen caught up to memory Zoro, grabbing hold of his leg and preventing him from going on just when the surface was within reach.

"They got old?!" Luffy cried out, trying to picture what that would look like. "Just like that?"

"Yeah, and I don't mean just old, I mean ancient," Nami nodded. "Like they all aged a hundred years since the fight at the plaza."

"But-But how?!" Usopp asked in shock. "I mean, how could they age that much that fast?! That banquet was pretty short compared to our usual ones...?"

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