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I looked at the book again and the ray was gone.... I just stared at the book "yo Mr.India what do I have to do with this now" I said as I looked at the book (Mr. India is a movie in which a man has a watch which can make him invisible) no reply "hey you-" I was cut off by a loud BANG sound I turned to see that the box was in front of the door where I had kept it before. I got up and picked the box up and placed the box on the table when I opened the box I saw a smaller box and when I opened it there was a locket with blue stone.

And then I noticed that it can be opened I was about to open it but suddenly the book started to glow I put the locket on top of the box and opened the book when I saw some letters written on it

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And then I noticed that it can be opened I was about to open it but suddenly the book started to glow I put the locket on top of the box and opened the book when I saw some letters written on it.
"Touch the stone with your thumb and rub it 3 times while saying your name name before take out THE 7 BLACK DOLLS."
I did what was written in the book I took the black dolls and placed them around me and started rubbing the stone and saying my name and then the stone started to glow in different colours and suddenly the locket opened and black
smoke came out of it and made my surrounding blank.
"Y/n hey wake up" the same sweet voice made me wake up but when I opened my eyes I saw a guy looking at me and we both screamed at the same time "aaaahhhhhh" I backed away from him as he did the same "who are you !?" I said "that doesn't matter, your eyes" he said as his face lit up "what?!!" I got up and saw that my eyes were blue colour. I turned and walked to him "how you-" I was cut off by him hugging me "ahh y/n I am so happy, well you took a lot of time" he said and let me go "ohh Mr. India" I said as a smile took place on my lips "well my name is Kim Seokjin and I am your 1st black doll" he said I looked at him in confusion "ohh let me help you out" he said as I nodded "it was us who were trapped inside the doll" I nodded my head again making a 'O' shape mouth "wait 'us'?" I looked at him "yeah" he said he pointed at the other direction "us" and saw 6 more mens "oh my god" I said as I looked at them and then at Jin "wait let them introduce themselves" Jin said as he took my hand and started walking towards them.......


THE 7 BLACK DOLL Where stories live. Discover now