The moonlight

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I don't know if you read the intro but this is my first fanfic ever to be public, so, sorry if you see any mistakes, which I doubt you'll see. DON'T ASK ABOUT THE HEADER THOUGH. >_>

3rd POV

"Where are we going?" Zelkam said softly whilst Spifey was leading him to somewhere unknown. They both snuck out into the woods after their woodland creature parents both had a huge argument, again, which sounds like a coincidence.

"Somewhere very special and very dear to me, Zelk." Spifey says quietly towards Zelkam, who is behind him. Zelkam can't see, but feel Spifey's hand touching and interlocking with his. A light blush spreads across Zelkam's face, though it's too dark for Spifey to see it.

Zelkam remembers clearly about how he met Spifey.

Zelkam's POV

"H-hell-ll-o?" I whined. There wasn't anything like this that would happen. I was lost. "Hello? I-is anyo-one out the-ere?" I cried out weakly. I ran away from home, again, from his parents. I've done this so many times already that I thought I got this path right, but I took another turn.


I swiftly turn around to see that there's nothing behind me. "Hello?" I shouted. I swear I heard something!


I look around me over and over again at the dark and consoled forest until I get slightly dizzy. "hello?" Someone whispered. "U-uh, Hi! If you're out there. C-can I get your name?"

Spifey's POV

I slowly step out into the moonlight. I wonder what they think of me. "Um, hi." I hesitated. "Hi! You're not here to threaten me, are you? Well, I'm not trying to offend you but, you actually seem little to try and attack me. Heh!" Oh. "Ahem, are you lost or anything?" I said annoyingly.
"Oh, I am."
"Could I help you? I can kinda climb trees."
"Oh, thank you! I was starting to get anxious a lot about returning home, say... Do you have one?"
"Oh... Yes! I just happen to get away because of my parents." I can't believe I made a friend this quick.
"Huh, same, mine were arguing. I don't know if yours were too, though."
"M-mine were t-too."
"Really?" He sounded really shocked.
"Say... Can I get your name?" The antlered creature asks.
"Oh, my name is Spifey!" 
"My name is Zelkam, but you could call me Zelk."
"Like the mammal that kinda looks like a deer?"

Zelkam glares at me.

"Yes... You would call it and me that."
"Sorry if I got it wrong, they are part of the same family."
"Yeah... Now, could you lead me home?"
"Alright, what does it look like?"


3rd POV

Zelkam was getting anxious as to where he was taking him now. Spifey looks behind himself, "You okay?"
"Huh? Oh, I'm just a bit nervous."
"Aw, that's fine." Zelkam could see in the distance light that shown itself through the trees and bushes. They were getting close.
"Are we there yet?" Zelk whined like a child. Spifey rolled his eyes. "He's so cu- I MEAN ADORABLE. " yelled Spifey's thoughts. "Yes, we're here." Spifey pushed away a lot of tree branches before crawling through a bush.

"Woah." Zelk thought. There was this big open space in the middle where the moonlight lit up around the trees and bushes. It was beautiful. "What is this place?" Zelk asked in amazement.
"You really don't remember?"
"Remember what?"
"This is where we first met, stupid." Spifey giggled. Zelkam blushed in embarrassment. "Oh, sorry I couldn't remember, heheh." Zelk smiled nervously. Spifey grabs Zelkam's hands and pulls him towards him. "Come on. I have something else to show you." We crawled under more bushes until...

"Oh my god." Zelk said with wide eyes. Spifey walk towards the cliff and sat down near the edge. Zelkam was surrounded with even more amazement, Zelk stepped towards the cliff and over the cliff was something extraordinary. The forest that was spread acres upon acres. Spifey waved his hand in front of Zelk's face, signaling for him to sit next to Spifey.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Spifey said while his eyes are closed. Spifey heard Zelk whisper something incoherent that's meant for him probably.
"Did you say something?" Spifey says curiously.
"Huh? Nope." Zelk said abruptly. Spifey looks at him suspiciously.
"Well, okay." Spifey hears Zelkam say something that he can't hear again. Spifey stood up. "OKAY, Is there something I should be worried about?"
"Okay, okay. Do you want me to be completely honest or just honest?" Zelk says.
"Completely honest." Zelkam stops breathing for a second. "Okay, So basically, when you said Beautiful, Isn't it?, I whispered Like you. And when you said Did you say something? I lied and said Yes." Zelk says fast and is flustered now. Zelkam looks at Spifey and he looks like he's about to burst out laughing. Zelk frowns, stands up and looks down at the ground but something pulls him forwards.

Oh my god.

Spifey softly kisses Zelkam. Zelkam bends down even more to melt into the soft kiss. Zelk smiles. Spifey pulls away but he's still holding Zelkam's hands. Zelkam looks down at Spifey, blushing and having a derpy smile.


Zelkam was standing outside of Spifey's house. They held hands all the way back to his house. Zelk was still a bit flustered of what happened at the cliff.
"So, what now?" Zelk breaks the silence.
"I guess we're more than friends and best friends, now." Spifey says.
"Heheh, Can I say something, Spifey?"
Zelkam glares at him intensely.
"Okay, okay. You can speak now."
"I had a crush on you for 4 years now ever since we met, which was 5 years ago." Zelkam says. Spifey just stares at him.
"I know you don't like me back, you didn't mean to kiss m-"
"I did."
"Did what?"
"I did mean to kiss you because I like you too. Nerd."
"But, how could you tell?"
"The signs. I'm not stupid." Spifey turns to look at Zelkam with a blank face.
"So, are we together now?" Zelkam squeezes Spifey's hand.
"I-I think we should be." Spifey lets go of Zelk's hand to turn around and hug him, tightly. Zelkam kisses Spifey's cheek.
"Do you have to go?" Zelk says, a little needy.
"My parents are probably done fighting, so I'll sneak in through my window."
"Aw, I didn't want you to go so soon."
"It's only been 32 minutes."
"Okay, fine. You can go home." Zelkam squeezes Spifey's hands one last time.
"Will I see you again?"
"Of course! I love you."
"I love you too." Zelkam said before heading the opposite direction of Spifey's house. It's clear that they're gonna see each other often.


okay i didnt do full blown make out session because i edit this at night and i get drowsy, so yeah. idk if oneshots are this long though.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2019 ⏰

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