Why? ( Laurgelica )

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Angelica muttered out a curse while throwing a jar at her bedroom wall smashing into a million pieces " THAT MOTHERFUCKER! " She screamed . Johns dog Boris , A German Shepard walked up sadly to her whimpering a little , She fell to her knees sobbing .

Boris doing his best trying to cheer her up by licking her arm in affection , hated seeing the girl sad they had become very connected over the past few weeks . She hadn't understood why , he had become more protective over her in public if anyone got to close he growled .

So John had to avoid taking him and her to the park , but it was weird whenever he went with John alone he was constantly whining and crying . So , there they were Angelica's boyfriend had just broken up with her , John was at work and had been for the last 2 months and left the dog in her care .

After John left she found out she was pregnant , when she told her boyfriend he dumped her and she hadn't told anyone else . Angelica then felt a large pain in her gut , She hissed dropping her hands to the floor " Fucking , " she spat " What the hell?! " she cried .

She had been experiencing cramps for the last week , she figured it was just normal she didn't want to see a doctor cause she didn't deem it necessary at the time . Boris was very well trained , One of the top police dogs actually " B-b-Boris " She said breathily taking dee breaths trying to calm herself down .

" Go get the purse " She instructed , He barked running off to the other room quickly returning with a strap purse dragging from his mouth . He set the bag down in front of her , " G-good boy " She said pulling her phone out from the bag and dialing the number .

" Hello? " Theodosia's voice rang through the speaker , " T-Theo , " She gasped holding her hand on her stomach " oh god - " she cried . " Angelica?! What's going on? " Theo asked worriedly , " Theo - I-I'm pregnant , But I'm in so much fucking pain right now - Ah! " She yelped .

" Call an ambulance! Do something ! Just make the pain Stop! " She cried , " Okay , Okay calm down , deep breaths " Theo instructed whilst grabbing burrs phone and dialing 911 .


John was excited to surprise Angelica , he had gotten time off and wanted to go home But when he opened the front door he didn't see or hear anyone . Boris was usually here waiting for him when he knew he was coming but he had been attached to Angelica the last few weeks so .

He wandered all the house , Nobody . So he called Alexander tapping his foot nervously, Finally he picked up " John? " " Alex! Hey what's up man - " He didn't want to spoil the surprise after all they could just be over at one of her sisters . " U-uh hey man ! Just wanted to se how things were " .

Alex's line fell silent besides a few other voices witch were hard to hear , " I'm sorry " " She What?! " Clearly from Alexander " What is it? " John asked . Alex's line fell silent again making John nervous " Alex what's going on! This isn't funny I'm home I got time off Angelica nor Boris is here ! " .

" John , Angelica just had a miscarriage " Alex said blankly , John fell silent ' Angelica had been pregnant? , that explained Boris's behavior ' ' But the baby . . . ' " don't worry Boris is at Herc and Maria's , Angelicas boyfriend dumped her because of it , and according to the doctors this is the worst they've seen they had to bring her into surgery " .

" What?! " John said running out his car almost forgetting to shut the front door not bothering to even lock it , He rushed to his car " Is she okay?! " He asked . " We don't know . . . It all Happened so fast , first we were at her house cause apparently some of hospitals ambulances were being fixed cause someone screwed with them and the rest were out already picking people up" Alex explained as John drove out of the driveway .

" so we had to take her to the hospital , it's me , Eliza , Peggy , Theo And their parents " Alex sighed " Look I'm going over there now witch hospital ? " " Oak " Alexander tried to chuckle but it still didn't brighten the dark mood set upon them all .

Meanwhile back at the hospital in the waiting room Peggy was crying , Theo was comforting the poor thing , Eliza was just staring out the window and Alex was nervously picking his nails and the Schuyler's were just sitting in the corner chairs of the room . John almost fell through the door , Everyone looked up to him " What the hell happened to her?! " He asked angry , And worried .

" Apparently since she had been taking a certain medication without realizing it was bad for the baby . . . " Theo trialed off . " And she didn't go to the doctors when she found out?! " John cried , " she didn't want to leave Boris alone , and even if she had one of us watch her she didn't want to tell anyone else she was pregnant " Eliza said blankly .

" Why? " " Well , her boyfriend church decided to dump her when she told him a few weeks back " Philip Schuyler said , " And after that she was scared no one would accept that she was pregnant " Peggy sniffed . The nurse walked in " Angelica Schuyler's family? " John froze realizing he literally couldn't see her .

They had a strict rule about that for some dumb reason , " Since theirs so many of you only two can go in at a time and I'll have to have you verify who you are " She explained . " We're her parent's " Philip said raising his hand , " Sisters " Peggy Theo And Eliza raised their hand Eliza still blankly staring out the window .

" I-I'm her brother in law " Alex stuttered nervously , " I-I'm just h-her - " John began seeing no Point in lying " Fiancé " The Schuyler's mother interrupted . The nurse nodded " Okay , So it's going to be The parents " she pointed her pencil in their direction .

" Fiancé " John blushed still a little surprised her mom would lie just for him to see her , " And siblings " She said as she motioned for her parents to follow . Once it was Johns turn , he took a deep breath as they passed other rooms he kept worrying , was she okay ? , Was all his head asked him .

" Okay here's her room 5 minutes " The nurse said , He nodded entering the large room " A-Angelica? "He asked horrified to see her hands on her face . " I-I'm sorry I didn't tell you . . . If I had just gone to the stupid doctors this wouldn't have happened " .

" Hey , It's not your fault " He said kneeling down rushing her hair out of her face , She sniffed " The things . . . That he told me " John stiffed " Who ? " He was afraid he already knew . " church , He told me I was horrible for even having a baby , and that it shouldn't of happened and he kicked me and said the baby should die . . . " John growled .

" I'm gonna fucking kill that bastard " he hissed , She laughed putting her hand to her lap smiling at him " Angelica , " " Yes John " He cupped her cheek " Remember , that you can tell me anything , That's what I'm here for even if I'm not home you can tell me ".

He kissed her cheek and left the room leaving a surprised blushing Angelica .

Hamilton (MAINLY) Laurgelica Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now