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A couple of days later, sometime after the rising of dawn Jon, Arya, Ygritte, Tormund, ser Davos and Gendry were standing in the Beggar's Gate harbor of King's Landing; the Unsullied were slowly boarding the galleys that previously belonged to the Golden Company, and they were to sail to Naath, as per Grey Worm's orders; he wanted to honor the memory of his late girlfriend by paying a visit to the island from where she hailed... His wounds from the duel with Ygritte healed well, and he felt strong enough to travel; he watched Jon and the others with a disapproving frown on his face, although Ygritte won the duel fairly and with honor, and it would be wrong not to give her her freedom back; she earned it with honor, he thought... The anchors were lifted from the water, slowly, and then the galleys started moving away from the stone docks, slowly, and out into the open sea... - Let's go - Jon said to Ygritte, Tormund and Arya - it's time for us to leave King's Landing and go back to the North. - Ygritte and Tormund took steps, but Arya remained standing there, looking towards the open sea for a moment or two... - Arya? - Jon looked towards her, and Ygritte did the same as well. - I'm not going back North with you and Ygritte - she replied. - Where will you go? - Jon asked. - What's west of Westeros? - Arya asked back. - I don't know - Jon replied. - No one knows - Arya said - it's where all the maps stop. - You have your Needle? - Jon asked, his eyes becoming wet with tears... - Right here - Arya whispered, her voice cracking slightly, her eyes tearing up as well. - I'll miss you, little sister - Jon whispered, hugging her; she hugged him back, buried her face in his shoulder and sobbed loudly; Ygritte, standing a bit to the side so as not to spoil the siblings saying goodbye to each other, had tears running down her cheeks as well, wondering if she will see her best friend ever again... Jon and Arya came apart a few minutes later, and they looked at each other for a moment. - May the Old Gods and the New watch over you, Arya - Jon spoke, holding her around the shoulders at arm's length. - And may the Gods watch over you too, Jon and Ygritte - she replied, walking over to the Queen in the North, and the two of them exchanged a brief hug. - Take care, Arya - Ygritte whispered - I hope we'll see each other again one day. - Arya nodded, turned her back on them and went up the plank onto the deck of the large galley that had a direwolf's head carved on the bow and a large sail bearing the embroidered sigil of House Stark on it. The captain pulled the boarding plank away from the dock, lifted the anchor, and the galley started taking distance from the harbor, slowly going out towards the open sea; Jon and Ygritte stood there watching, his arm around her shoulders, for as long as the ship disappeared from their line of sight, and then they turned and left the docks...


The night was falling slowly over the barren landscape of the North when Jon, Ygritte and Tormund, riding on horsebacks, reached Castle Black. The gates were open for them by the two of the black brothers, out of the dozen of them that resided in Castle Black, they were everything of what the Night's Watch was made of at the time being; the rest of the people gathered there were of the Free Folk, several dozens of men in their prime, women, children and a few elders... Jon, Ygritte and Tormund rode into the courtyard and Jon asked that the brothers lift the wooden gate that led inside the tunnel through which the path was leading into the wilderness on the other side of the Wall, into the Beyond... The three leaders rode into the tunnel, followed by the remains of the Free Folk, and when they came out of the tunnel on the other side, Jon, Ygritte and Tormund got down from their saddles... Ygritte and Tormund were the first ones to grab each other in the strong hug; this was their farewell, the last goodbye of father and daughter. - May the Old Gods of the Forest be good t' ya, daughter - Tormund whispered, his eyes tearing - may ya rule a fair an' honorable Queen. Jon Stark is the best husband an' king ya could've asked for. - Old Gods be good, father - Ygritte whispered in a cracked voice, crying as well - you will make a good King-beyond-the-Wall, as good as Mance Rayder was, if no' better, and ya can always come t' Winterfell t' pay us a visit, I'm sure Jon will allow tha' - she turned to look at her husband, who nodded his affirmation. - There will always be a place for you in Winterfell, Tormund, whenever you wish to come and visit us - Jon said; Tormund just nodded shortly, and then he climbed into the saddle of his horse, and then he took the trot, the hooves of his horse kicking the frozen soil, lightly, and the Free Folk followed their new king into the wild... Jon and Ygritte led their horses inside the tunnel a moment before the gates closed behind Tormund and his entourage, and then they climbed back into the saddles and rode down the path, back into the training courtyard of Castle Black...

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