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The first time I liked a guy,
I had so much butterflies 🦋 ,
I couldn't be with that guy,
Because I was so shy🙈.
The second time I liked another guy,
I was still quite shy🙈,
I tried to get to him,
But he was already dating💏.
Third time I liked another guy,
I tried and I tried,
To start into a relationship👩‍❤️‍👨,
But he was not interested🙅‍♂️.
Fourth time I liked another guy,
He was different from the rest of guys,
He tried flirting💓 with me again and again,
And when I began to like him,
He wasn't interested🙅‍♂️ again☹️.
Fifth time I liked another guy,
We always chatted online,
We planned to go on a date💏,
I realised that he was on games,
Because he wouldn't contact me again😔.
Sixth time I liked another guy,
He was so cute but got fired,
From breaking rules at his job,
So we couldn't  see each other😔, 
That affected me much,
That we couldn't be together😔.
Seventh time I liked a guy,
I thought he liked me a lot,
But he wasn't that guy,
He only wanted sexual relations😥,
No kind of relationship, no love,
That hurt me so much😓,
And I began to not like him anymore.
Eighth time I liked another guy,
Me and him were very cool😊,
Until a prank affected him badly😡,
That was mean and melancholy😔,
Eventually I was brokenhearted💔,
And I thought I would never get over it.
Ninth time I liked a guy,
I wondered and wondered why,
Why we always couldn't meet up,
And we liked each other so much,
There always has to be something,
Hindering us from meeting,
We finally agreed to be with each other,
Together in the outward future,
But not sure if it is possible anymore🤷‍♀️.
The last time I liked another guy,
He's another one I got from online,
I made time for me and him,
But sometimes he would act strange,
I always wonder whats going on🤔,
What he is really doing wrong,
Now I'm crying and crying😪,
Trying to mend the pain😩,
Now he is not talking to me,
And it's hurting me terribly😪
Maybe I should have no relationship😔,
And get rid of all my brokenheartedness💔.

THOSE GUYSWhere stories live. Discover now