ghost from past

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The loud sisters where getting ready for the battle.

Lori: alright girls and Clyde we just need to win this battle we can go get Lincoln later.

All: alright.

Lori: okay Ronnie your up first.

She see Ronnie Anne smiling.

Ronnie Anne: me and befall are going to make a master piece.

Leni: look at the big blue sky.

Ronnie Anne: not just any blue it's all so cool blue aqua blue.

She sees a white dragon looking cloud.

Ronnie Anne:(thinking) that cloud is not beautiful at all I see white with a tang of blue a dark looking white.

Announcer: okay everybody let's get ready for the next battle next we got is Ronnie Anne vs (made up name) Arctic agami.

Lori: all right Ronnie Anne go show them when you can do.

Ronnie Anne: alright.

When she was about to go on the stadium a red meteor fell from the sky and crash in to the stadium and form a fire tornado.

Lori:w-what is that.

As the the tornado disappear a red dragon was fly around and as the dragon was flying Lincoln apres out of no where and as the red dragon dive into Lincoln hand and the red dragon was L'drago.

Announcer: it's Lincoln loud he's on the other side so he's not going to help his sisters.

Ronnie Anne: so that cloud it was you.

Lincoln: you do remember what you said to me right.


Ronnie Anne: my bey is not ready get but when evil befall is ready I'll carve your bey up to piece's.

End of Flashback.

Lincoln: now show me that pics of hades you where going to make for me.

Announcer: alright let's get this battle started.

All: 3...2...1 LET IT RIP.

( I'm just going to go back when l drago lost spined.)

Ronnie Anne: now let see your going to run away.

Lincoln: no ones running away.

Lincoln: no ones running away

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Ronnie Anne: no away.. Don't tell the in tire battle just mean to merger my power.

Lincoln: carefully because this is what you get when you mess with the dragon king.

Ronnie Anne: impossible.

Lincoln: I alone was alone outside when I was call 'the bad luck' then I realize it was the louds who made me this way and now here's my revenge...Dragon king world domination.

L drago went up in the sky and and dive down.

Ronnie Anne: go befall.

Befall gets trap by l drago and l drago used its fire breath to burn befall and smash to the ground.

Announcer: and the winner is Lincoln.

Lori: no we lost.

Lola: how can he this to us.

All the loud sisters where at the window Lori saw Lincoln looking at them.

Lincoln: don't think I'm done with you 10.

L drago fly's to the window and break's it with little piece of glass cut Lynn's face.

Lynn: owww.

Lincoln: I will settle with you 10 one day just watch me.

He walks away.

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