part two

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There wasn't a day that Lilly wasn't furious. She had every reason to be. The day Ashley had left, Lilly's world turned into hell…

 Queen Elenor's carriage came out of the forest pulled by two black stallions. She stepped down from out of her carriage, and went straight to Lilly. "Daughter, I had wondered where you had scampered off too. Not surprising you would come dwell with these peasants."

At this time Lilly's aunt Carolin stepped forward, "You have no right to be here sister. Leave this place." Queen Elenor regarded her sister with shroud obsidian eyes, "It has been a long time Carolin, how fare the? Yet not another surprise that Lilly came to you. But I'm here for a reason more important than the child. I felt The Key. Where is it?" The queen’s eyes moved back to her daughter, "Do you know where it is child?" The word child seemed to grate over Lilly's nerves. Lilly said nothing, but glanced over at her aunt. She knew her aunt had seen Ashley; she was the one who encouraged her to follow her.

The queen noticed Lilly's glance at her aunt, " *tisk* *tisk* There is something you’re not telling me Lilliana... Where is my Key?" Lilly spoke up this time, "Gone. Someplace you will never find it." Her voice was grim as she met her mother’s intense stare. Elenor’s eyes flashed bright with anger as she lifted her hand with a speed Lilly wasn't expecting, and struck the girl hard across the face, sending her to the ground in a heap.

Carolin rushed forward, and knelt at her niece's side. "Foolish girl, must you always disobey me? When will you ever learn?" The queen said as she shook her head. "That Key never belonged to you. It was my fathers, and it will never be yours! The Key has chosen its’ new owner. You will never have it! Ever!" Lilly yelled at the woman that now, and forever would mean nothing to her. "You could have done this the easy way Lilliana, and just handed over The Key but I have been given no choice..." And with that she motioned to her guards who moved forward, and began torching the village, the houses, the buildings...all of it.

Lilly tried to stand, and stop the men but her aunt stopped her, "What's done is done. There is nothing more you can do Lilly. You are no use to the kingdom if you’re dead." Lilly collapsed back to the ground once more, tears streaming down her face.

Suddenly her aunt was shoved away, and two guards pulled Lilly to her feet. Queen Elenor stepped in front of Lilly once more, "I think it's time you come home. The kingdom has missed their dear princess tremendously." She said with a cruel smile curving her lips.

The guards dragged Lilly to the carriage, and practically threw her inside before stepping aside as the queen entered, and closed the door behind her. Lilly sat across from the horrid woman, and gazed through the window beyond her as the carriage rode away from the devastation that was once the Sparrow Creek Village.

There was no way she would return to that castle to become a prisoner. Never again would she sit beside this woman, and watch her lead this kingdom to ruin. Lilly looked around the inside of the carriage. There was nothing to be seen that she could use as a weapon, but luckily the queen had neglected to latch the carriage door.

They were about to pass over the Sparrow Creek bridge when Lilly made her move. She launched herself at the door, bursting out of the carriage, and hitting the ground at a roll. She was up, and running in a heartbeat.

She ran into the forest parallel to the creek. There was only one place left for her to hide, that only she, and one other knew of. Lilly ran as fast as she could in the direction of her cottage. She could hear the sudden chaos taking place behind her as the guards had difficulties navigating the forest in their pursuit of her. She was used to running in the forest, and ran with ease through the trees, and shrubs gaining ground in the guards struggle to find her.

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