Chapter 4

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It's already been three days since the pool party, so it's Friday and that means John's coming back from Hawaii today. I can't wait to see him and catch up a little. Right now I'm just cleaning up the house because both John and Jay are supposed to be coming over later and sleep over for the rest of the weekend, because school starts back up again on Monday.

I am cleaning up my room and the living room mostly and I'm trying to figure out what we could have to eat and do when they come at 7:00 later tonight, because right now it's 2:00 so I have a couple hours before they come.

While I'm cleaning I have my music blaring through my earphones, right now I'm listening to "Back to You" by Louis Tomlinson feat. Bebe Rexha, and I'm just singing at the top of my lungs along with the song, sounding like a dying cat, while jumping around like I have bugs in my pants. 

When I finally finish cleaning the rooms and put some cookies in the oven for later tonight it is only 4:30 so while I'm waiting for the cookies to bake I turn on the T.V. and start watching "The 100." So time goes by pretty fast, and by the time I'm on the third episode all the cookies are cooling and the oven is off, and I'm an emotional mess.


" What are you doing?"

I grab the remote and press pause on my show before I turn my head and see John looking at me like I'm a crazy person and he needs to call 9-1-1. And in all honesty he might just need to if the writers of "The 100" doesn't get Bellarke together soon.

I wipe my eyes clear of any tears that might have fallen and tell John, " Oh nothing just planning a murder of a writer. Hey quick question, if I end up going to court would you help me with an alibi."

"Okay, first off, of course. And secondly, let's turn this T.V. off so that doesn't happen yet, because I just got back and I don't want to go to court just yet." He reaches for the remote and turns the T.V. off.  After he sets the remote down again he sits next me and I tackle him in a hug.

"Oh my gosh, I missed you so much. How was Hawaii. What did you do? Did you go scuba diving? No wait, how was the food?"

"Ok, calm down. One Hawaii was amazing the water was so clear, but there was a lot of rocks in the water. Second, I mostly went swimming, but I also went to a luau, and explored some underground caves, they were so cool. And yes I also went scuba diving, and it was so cool. And to answer your last question, of the Hawaiian food I did try was great."

" That sounds so cool, I can't wait to go there someday, or anywhere really."

"You will. Now what happened during the week I was gone."

"Well, not much actually, it was pretty boring, but we did go to this pool party at Julian's and it was pretty cool, but Jay met someone there."

"Really, who?" You see John is pretty much the only person who knows of my crush on Jay. I told him about it in eighth grade, because by that time a lot of boys were noticing Jay and I needed to talk to someone about my crush and get everything off my chest and John was the best person to talk to. 

"His name's Brandon and he is a friend of Julian. Jay and him ran into each other at the party and started talking. And even though  I hate it I want her happy and you know how Jay is she cares for people pretty fast, which I love, but I don't want her to get hurt. Besides as far as I know he's only here for the summer and maybe a week after."

" Well, do you want my honest opinion?"

"Of course, I wouldn't have told you otherwise."

"Ok. Well my honest opinion is to just tell her how you feel. You've known each other for how long, you've been through how much together. I think it's time you told her."

I know I should tell her, I want to, but I'm scared. "What if it ruins our friendship, because like you said we've known each other for a long time, I don't want to ruin all those years by telling her of a crush."

"Seriously, Thalia," he looks at me like I'm an idiot, " Do you really think that this is still just  a crush. Even after all these years of you liking her, helping her wipe her tears, and more you still think this is just a crush." Honestly, no I didn't. 

"Besides," he continues, " if she doesn't like you back then you can at least get this off your chest and maybe actually move on, if it is just a crush or not."

" You're right, I know you're right, but when should I tell her."

"Well, I don't know that's up to you, but I would hurry because even if Brandon is only staying for a couple weeks, we both know that someone will ask her out sooner or later."

A.N: I'm back. And yes I know I suck at updating so again I'm sorry, but I have no excuses. I will try to do better, but if I can't I'm sorry, but I will update sooner or later. Anyways I updated the chapters I have done by editing them by either being more specific on a couple sentences or fixing some grammar errors. Also if you see something wrong (grammar-wise) don;t be afraid to tell me, but please don't tell me multiple times, if there is at least one comment already stating the error, then it will get fixed. Now, what do you guys think of John so far. And Thalia. Anyways i hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll update soon (not sure when, but soon).

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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