The Prophecy

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Oh god... we just agreed to the prophecy... What is going to happen to us now? Alkmene's green eyes glittered with excitement. "Your Oracal shall give you your prophecy. It was a pleasure meeting you all." She laugh coldly, her ugly uvula showing. She snapped her fingers and her army disappeared out of thin air. "See you all soon..." As soon as Alkmene finished her sentence she was gone.

Jason looked over at me, a worried look on his face. "What do we do now?" Hazel asked. "Lets go tell Chiron." Replied Annabeth. "Lets try to avoid Rachel..." We all looked over to Leo. "Well, you know, to avoid the prophecy..." His voice trailed off. I put my hand on "Leo, we can't avoid the prophecy... we have to face it."

His dark brown eyes stared into mine. He sighed and walked back toward camp. "Common lets go." Annabeth said sorrowfully. Annabeth grabbed hold of Percy's hand, and held it so tight, her fingers became white. I looked over at Jason, who was playing around with Leo, Hazel and Frank, throwing his hands everywhere, making them all laugh, including Leo.

I smiled at them and turned forward. I sighed. 'Oh Jason, you little goof ball.' I said in the back of my head. I wanted to walk back to my friends and my boyfriend, but I couldn't help, but to look at Percy and Annabeth, and how they're love showed completely, they are always with each other, kissing or holding hands... I loved the way they weren't afraid to show how much they love each other.

I felt like maybe Jason and I would be like that, but that really didn't happen that much. "Piper, are you here?" I found that I was wondering off to space when a oily, mechanic hand was waving in front of my face. "Oh, huh?" Leo and Jason stood in front of me, with worried faces. "You ok?" I just gave them a smirk. "Ya, just spacing out I guess." I laughed.

Jason's expression didn't change."Why were you following Annabeth and Percy, you know they like to be with each other most of the time." I just looked down to my feet. "Oh, I was just... thinking about my dad... I mean, what would happen to him if this prophecy really is bad, right?" Jason smiled a little, making his scar on his lip extend.

"Piper everything is going to be fine." I looked over to Percy and Annabeth, who were under Thalia's pine tree. "We should get this over with. Go call Percy and Annabeth. We need to see Rachel." Leo and Jason both looked at each other. "Umm, ok, but what about Chiron? Shouldn't he know about this?"

I took my hand and smacked it in my face and sighed. " Oh gods, I forgot about that. Well, we will have to tell him after the prophecy has been told, it would be easier. We'd have more info to share."

They both nodded and ran over to Annabeth. It looked as if they were all arguing at one point, but then they finally stood up and walked over. "Piper, what's going on?" Annabeth asked, with a curious tone in her voice. "We need to see Rachel."

She sighed and looked over at Percy, who was joking around with Jason and Leo. She looked back at me. "And Chiron?" She asked "What about him?" "The more we know, the more he would know, Right?" Annabeth nodded. "That would make sense, but what about he gives us a-" Annabeth stopped all of a sudden And I looked around. "What's wrong?"

"Rachel, shes right there." I looked over to where she was looking and finally saw that Rachel was by the campfire with Chiron, talking with a worried face. "Should we go over there and get this over with?" I asked. Annabeth nodded. "Jason, Leo can you go and get Hazel and Frank?" Leo smiled. "Remember our deal, if I'm right, you owe me!"

Leo ran off to the Ares cabin while Jason ran to Hades. "We will meet you at the mess Hall!" Annabeth screamed toward them. "Common Piper and Percy, lets get Rachel." We ran over to Rachel and Chiron, being really careful not to disrupt their conversation.

Percy Jaskson Gender swapWhere stories live. Discover now