Chapter 3

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They stayed in the hospital for 5 days. Alexa had accepted her condition but there was no change in Sierra. On the 6th day the Doctor came to see Aaron. "Well Aaron you are good to go and your sister Alexa is doing alot better even with the feeling of her legs gone but Sierra is the same. I am going you and Alexa permission to go home i will send Alexa a wheel chair." Aaron nodded. "Sir you are the Doctor but i can take care of Sierra at home. She might do better at home." The Doctor nodded. "I had thought of that but you need some one beside you to help. I will send a nurse home with you to help."    Aaron nodded. "That might be good for a little while." The Doctor smiled. "Ok i will have someone drive you guys home. And take good care of your sisters. Alexa might walk again with time but i don't know." When the finaly where home Aaron looked around the place than looked at Alexa. He saw the pain in her eyes. He realized that being here in this house the last place the where together might be really hard on her.He slid his arm around her. "It's going to be ok." She leaned against him and cried. The doctor would be bring Sierra home later. He pushed Alexa into the house and shut the door behind them.

When the Doctor brought Sierra home. She was still locked up inside herself. She moved her feet but didn't talk. They took her up to her room.The Doctor look around. "Maybe being here where she spent most of her time will help. Aaron nodded. "I thank you Doctor for what you've done for us." The Doctor nodded. "Son you do realize if your mother does die, you three are quite rich. You three will be the owner all of it." Aaron nodded and showed the Doctor to the door.Aaron sat with Sierra for a while before heading off to bed. She staid this way for two  months, never seaming to notice anything around her. Every day Aaron or Alexa sat with her. Praying she'd get better. Than one day will Aaron was sitting with her she turned her head towards him. "Aaron." she said. He looked at her. "Oh Sierra." He said taking her in his arms. She hugged him and started crying for the first time since the accident, He just held her tight. "OH Aaron why did daddy have to die?"  He rocked her back and forth. "It was God's will Sierra." Sierra cried it seamed like hours before she sat up shakily. "Hows Alexandra?" Aaron smiled. "In a wheel chair but fine." Sierra tried to sit up but her head whirled. Aaron put a arm around her back and helped her up. When she tried to stand her legs wouldn't hold her. "Aaron whats wrong with me?" She said in a panic. HE held her close. "Your alright you have just been in bed for two months and haven't walked that much." She sat up strait, "I want to ride my horse." Aaron frowned. "Sierra you just started getting better." She frowned back. "I want to at least go out side Aaron." "OK." HE left her and went and got Alexa. "Alexa can you go help Sierra get into some day close please. She wants to go out side." She nodded and head to Sierras room. When she entered Sierra was taking a blue plaid shirt out of the closted along a jean skirt. "Sierra do you need some help?" Sierra turned and looked at Alexa sitting in her wheel chair.  Alexa knew what she was think. Sierra finally nodded and let Alexa help her button her buttons on her shirt. They had just finished when Aaron knocked on the door. "You ready sis?" Sierra took a deep breath. "Yes." Aaron helped her down the stair then wen tand got Alexa. He had to carry her down first than her wheel chair. When they reached the barn Jack met them. "Its good to see you out and about again." He told them. "Aaron smiled. "It's good to be out and about again Jack. now would you bring all of our horses out please." Jack smiled. "Oh yes sir. Saddle?" Aaron glanced at Alexa. "No just bring them out." Jack started into the barn when Alexa said. "Please saddle Sierra's please Jack." JAck nodded and went to get their horses. Aaron went over to Alexa and whispered. "Alexa i don't think Sierra's ready to ride a horse yet." Alexa looked over at her siter who was staring into space. "Aaron she may have come out of shock but she is still not here. She keep staring of into space. And she don't seam to put much heart into anything. I think riding her beloved horse again might help her."

Aaron saw her point but he was still worried about his sister. School started in four weeks. Would Sierra be ready to go back to school? When Sierra saw her beautiful white horse named Alaska her eyes lit-up. She threw her arms around her horse and climbed into the saddle. With a look back she took off down the road.

 Sierra didn't look back she just went faster. She wanted to get away from all the sorrow and pain.She race down the dirt road not caring who saw her. Suddenly she saw a car on the side of the road. Smoke was coming out of its engine There where 3 people in the front seat but done of them seamed to be concision. She jumped off her horse and ran to the car and pulled the door open she d the people out one at a time. She had just dragged the last person out when fire started coming out of the engine. Some one grabbed her from behind just as a chunk of melt landed where she had been standing. She turn around. One  of the boys she had pulled out of the car was standing there with his friends. "You saved our live Miss." The tallest one said. She was shaking hard by this time. She fell to the ground sobbing. The Tall dark head blue eyed boy sank down beside her.  "Are you all right miss."  Sierra finally pulled her self together. "Yes i-i'm fine. thank you" She stood. "Why don't you three come to my house we can get you fixed up there. "The short said/ "Thank Miss..." Sierra manged a smile. "I am Sierra Bennett, and you are?" The tall one stepped forward. "I'm Tyler Parker and this is William Reese and John walker." He said pointing to the short then the medium height one. "And are you sure your parents wouldn't mind." Tyler ask. Pain shot through Sierra's. Tyler saw it. "My dad died in a car crash two months ago and my mom was sent a special hospital. We still dojn't know if she'll live.. Me and my twin are head of the house. And i'm sure he won't mind you coming."Tyler stepped forward. "May i ask how old you are?" Sierra nodded "I'll be 17 on December 14. And how old might you be?" Tyler smiled. "I am 18."  Sierra climbed up on her horse. "You wait here i'll go get some more horses." Tyler looked up at her. "Let me ride back with you. It wouldn't be so hard you bring them back." She frowned than said. "Ok hop up." Tyler swung up behind her and said to his two friends. "We'll be back shortly." William and John glared at him as they rode off. "You think he's struck john?" William ask. John smiled. "Yep." Sierra guided her horse towards the house.  "So what brunt you clean out here?" Sierra asked. Tyler smiled. "I came out here to visited my grandparents. I'm from Illinoisan ." Sierra was surprised. "Wow you are a long way from home." Tyler sighed. "My parents died of Scarlet fever 2 years ago. So i have come to live with my grandparents now." He heard Sierra's sharp intake of breath. "Oh i'm sorry about your loss."  She turned the horse into a Lane. A huge ranch house came into view. "Wow you live here?" Tyler ask surprised. "Yep have ever since i was ten." Sierra said. Just then Arron came running up to them. "Sierra i--" He stopped short when he saw Tyler. "This Is Tyler Parker." Sierra said to her brother has she swung down. "Tyler this is my brother Arron." Tyler offered his hand to Arron. "Your sister is quite the life saver. Me and my two friends would have died in that car if she hadn't  saved us." Arron saw Sierra stiffen and head towards the house. Arron went white. "s-she just saved you from a car that was on f-fire?" Tyler frowned. "Yes she did is there something wrong?" "Our dad died in a car reck and the rest of us almost did. Our Mom is still in the hospitail and Alexa is in a wheel chair. Sierra hasn't been her self since and saving you from a car on fire may have brought memoirys that still haunt her.." Tyler frowned. "Oh maybe."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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