"I'm sorry Osano..."

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I found out my rival who's name is Osano Najimi is in my class. He walked over to his desk and put out two bento boxes a pink and a blue one, so he asked Kohai to meet him at the roof so he can give her a bento! "Is this a bad idea? Maybe I shouldn't do this...what if she doesn't like it...?" he asked himself. Hmmm... Oh! I got it! I'll pickpocket the gardening club leader and get the rat poison from the shed, put it in Kohai's bento, make her vomit and make her think Osano's cooking is horrible! Ok time to go to the gardening club! Okay! That was easy! Let's go back to the bento boxes... Oh! He's not there! Perfect! "Sorry Kohai..."
Lunch Time...
Ayano's P.O.V
I was told to meet Osano on the rooftop, but... I feel like someone's watching me... Oh! Here he comes! "Okay... I'm here, just like you asked." I stated the obvious. Wait... What's behind his back? "H...Here!" he stutters and gives me a black box. I have no idea what it could possibly be. "What's this?" I asked him, he looks totally offened like I don't know what a bento box looks like. "It's a bento, stupid!" Ouch Osano, that hurts! "You made me lunch?" I asked him excitedly. "D...don't get the wrong idea! I didn't make it for YOU! I just...made too much food this morning. So, you can have the extras!" he said shoving the box, awww Osano you're so cute when you act like that! "Oh...cool! Thanks a lot!" I exclaim it must be good if he made too much this morning "Just...shut up and eat it!" He stops his foot on the rooftop floor. I open the top, take out the chopsticks and start to eat. I take the first bite and... EWWW! What the hell is in this?! My stomach starts to hurt, "Ugh...what did you put in this?!" I ask him while groaning. "Huh? What do you mean?" I can't look at him because I'm clutching my stomach. "My stomach...really hurts all of a sudden!" I admit to him I have a feeling it hurt him but he had to know! "Hey! You shouldn't insult a boy's cooking, you dummy!" he yelled at me, wait he didn't care that I was in pain right now? "I'm sorry... I can't finish it! I have to go!" I apologized I have to go vomit in the girls bathroom!
Taro P.O.V
"I'm sorry... I can't finish it! I have to go!" she apologizes at him, Ayano-chan I'm so sorry... "Huh?! Ayano, wait!" he yells at her "...oh, no... what did I do wrong...?..."he asks himself. HA! Yes part 1 complete now for tomorrow!
I know there's a book Kohai likes to read at the fountain every day so Osano asks about it let me listen in... "What's that book you're always reading Ayano?" he curiously asks her "Oh, this? It's a very special book... my brother gave it to me." Awww! How sweet of your brother Ayano! Maybe I should call him my brother-in-law! I was interrupted by my future wedding with Kohai thoughts by Osano Najimi "What's it called? What's it about?" he asked impatiently "If you're really interested, I'd be willing to let you borrow it... but you have to promise to take good care of it." Oh Ayano, you won't be able to trust him after he ruins it! "...r...really...? You... you'd let me..." he stutters how pathetic... "...I...I mean of COURSE I'd take good care of it! That's obvious!" he boasted to her "All right, then... I'll let you borrow it for just one day. Return it to me when school is over, okay?" she asked him for him to promise "Yeah, I will!" he exclaimed then started to walk away while I was running. I got in front of her and got all nervous she gave me a strange look "What's up with him?" she asked Osano. Uh-oh, I better get out of here!
Lunch Time...
I was standing behind a tree waiting for Osano to get up or go to the bathroom, I sighed "This is a good stopping point! Just a quick stretch..." he yawned and walked away. I'll just push the book in the fountain and I did! Oh no! Osano's coming back! Gotta hide! "Oh, no! The book! Ayano's gonna be so mad..." he moaned, okay now I feel bad....... JUST KIDDING!!!!
After School...
Ayano's P.O.V
I wonder what Osano thought it's a very good book! "Hey, Osano! So, what did you think of the book?" I asked him waiting for feedback "...A... Ayano... I'm so sorry... the book...I..." he muttered I almost gasped at what I saw he had completely destroyed the book my younger brother Hanako Aishi gave me! "Osano...! How... how did this happen...?!" I asked in disbelief "...I...I don't know... I'm sorry..." he apologized well sorry Osano, "Sorry" is not gonna cut it this time! "...I'll see you tomorrow, Osano. Goodbye." I bid farewell bitterly "...Ayano... wait! ...ohhhhh..." he moaned. I didn't look back at him because I didn't want to.
Taro's P.O.V
The third day I wonder what I have to ruin now. I went behind the bush and eavesdropped on their conversation. Osano asked a question that I had always wanted the answer to. " So, Ayano, why do you spend so much time in the school plaza?" was his question to her to me the answer she said was the most romantic thing I have heard her say " I like the sound of the fountain and the sight of the falling cherry blossoms. I think it's the most soothing place in the whole school." she explained to him I think I would understand why she would choose that location. "...I... I think the most soothing place is next to someone you care about..." he whispered to himself but I could hear him. "Sorry, I couldn't hear that. What did you say?" She asked her childhood friend. "...n-nothing. But, doesn't it get boring to spend most of your time sitting in one spot?" Good question as I hate to admit Ayano when we're together let's sit by the cherry tree! "If there's a nicer spot somewhere in school, I'd love to see it." If I wasn't so nervous I would show you Ayano! "Oh, yeah? Challenge accepted! I'll prove that I can find a better spot!" he bragged. I don't know Osano I don't think Ayano wouldn't want to see your phone filled with panty shots! Ah! That's it! I'll steal his phone and take panty shots so kohai will think that Osano took the panty shots! "...uh it's not a competion..." she tried to calm him down "Don't underestimate me! I'll show you, Ayano!" he tries to get her into the same spirit as him "You might be taking this... a tad too seriously..." Thank you kohai! Now they're walking away... Let me think of a plan.... Oh! I'll dump water on him so he has to go to the locker room and steal his phone, take panty shots and put it back. Simple! Ok I took a panty shot of Midori and the Basu sisters now to put it on his desk! He walks in wearing his gym uniform which is funny! 
Ayano's P.O.V
I wonder if Osano is still serious about the "best place in the school" thing. Here he comes! Hey, Senpai- I want to show you something! Take a look!" he shouts as he gives me his phone! Wow some of them are good! "Wow! These pictures are great! You have a talent for ...um...uhhhhh..." Ewww Osano what the hell is wrong with you?! " What? What is it? What's wrong?" he asks me concerned "...Gosh...I really didn't think that you'd do this sort of thing..." This is a whole side of Osano I never knew about. "What are you talking about? Let me see." he complains and yanks his phone out of my hands. He looks surprised and disgusted " What the...what is this?! How did this get on my phone?" he asked shocked "...I guess there's a side of you that I never knew about..." I said embarrassed. I started to walk away from him not wanting to look at him.
Osano P.O.V:
"Wait! I didn't take these pictures! I swear! You've gotta believe me!" I yelled at her I think someone framed me I should tell her what I think happened later tonight. 9:00 PM
"Ayano hey!" I exclaimed over the phone "What Osano? I'm still mad you took those pictures!" she yelled through the phone "No! Wait! Ayano! I think someone framed me!  Someone poured water on me I got took a shower, then I got out then I didn't do anything on my phone!" I explained "Okay, Osano. I believe you." "Thank you Ayano! We'll walk to school together right?" I asked her "Yeah goodnight Osano." She said "Goodnight Ayano!" We hung up and went to bed.
Taro P.O.V
"Hey, Ayano- a girl like you doesn't have any plans tonight, right?" Osano asked Senpai "Uh...I don't know why you had to phrase it like that...but, yeah, I'm free tonight..." She seemed uncomfortable when Osano said that sentence "Good! Then you're going to see a movie with me." he commanded her like some sort of slave "Huh? You mean, like a date?" Ayano asked him. No!! Not like a date! "I...idiot! It's not a date! I was gonna go with my friend, but he had to cancel. You're only coming with me so that his ticket doesn't go to waste. Got it?" he asked her "Well, it's not like I had any plans so..." No Kohai!! "Good! It's settled, then. Meet me here at 5:30 so w can leave in time to see the film!" he shouted at her " Okay, if you say so..." She drifted off. Oh Ayano... When we're together we should watch a romantic movie! "...ooh...a date with Ayano...!" Osano whispered to himself "What was that?" She asked her childhood friend. "N-nothing!" he stuttered while blushing. With that Ayano and Osano went into the school while I was thinking of a plan to ruin Osano's date with hertonight. I walked in front of my kohai again trying to muster up the courage to talk to her. "He's acting strange..." I just screwed up didn't I? 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2021 ⏰

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