Why Did I Choose To Study Law?

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When reading the title of this chapter, you're probably expecting some life story about how I have always been passionate about law, and some sob story about my mother being a lawyer and inspiring me to follow her footsteps... But no, my story is nowhere as beautiful as that, haha.

Just to be clear I am studying A-Level Law in England, along with A-Level Computer Science and A-Level Business Studies.

This time last year, when I was just beginning year 11, if you told me I was going to study Law, this year- I probably would not have believed you. At that moment in time, I was sure I was going to study other subjects, but circumstances and minds can change overtime and I now have my heart set on working in the Law industry, so I am studying Law.

So, with all that said- Why am I choosing to study Law?

I kind of answered that question, but I'll just say it anyway.

In the future I would like to work in the legal industry, I'm not sure whether I would like to be a lawyer or solicitor at this moment in time.

A lawyer just gives legal advice, whereas a solicitor gives legal advice and represents people in court.

Right now I am thinking of studying to become a solicitor, that way if I'm qualified to be a solicitor, I'm also qualified to be a lawyer as both give legal advice.

So that is my main aim- to become a lawyer or solicitor, basically work in the legal industry.

So studying Law at this point could help me accquire a little bit of knowledge about law, and the skills I need to study Law at an advanced level, if that makes sense.

This first chapter was a short one, but they should be longer than this in the near future.

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