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"Shoot me."

Jungkook blinks at his request, obviously taken aback.


Jimin is looking at him with so much desperation in his eyes.

"Jungkook, please. My team is on their way, they're going to kill you. Shoot me, it'll give you time to escape."

Jungkook feels his eyes sting with tears.

"Jimin, no."
He shakes his head.

"I don't want to hurt you."
He whispers it so brokenly Jimin's heart aches in his chest.

Jimin steps forward until they're face to face and gently takes Jungkook's face in his hands.

"Jungkook, baby."
He says softly, holding back his own tears.

"It's either your life or mine. I'm choosing to save yours because I love you."

Jungkook lets out a small sob at his words and Jimin pulls him into a soft kiss, feeling the younger's soft lips molding against his perfectly.

After they pull away, Jimin strokes his boyfriend's cheek lovingly one last time before going back to taking a few steps back to increase the distance between them.

The silver haired male takes a deep shaky breath.

He hopes that the pain isn't too unbearable.

Jimin closes his eyes, bracing himself for the pain.

The pain never came.

There was a loud gunshot, but Jimin doesn't feel a bullet being lodged into his stomach or anything.

Confused, he opens his eyes and looks at Jungkook.

Only to realize what the younger had done.

Jungkook's face went dangerously pale and he swayed like an unstable building.

His knees crumple and he would have fallen to the ground if Jimin hadn't caught him in his arms and held him tight.

Jimin looks down at Jungkook, a tear finally slipping down his cheek.

"Jungkook, you idiot!"
He says shakily, hands desperately pressing down on the gunshot wound to try and stop the bleeding, earning a pained yelp from his boyfriend.


Jungkook tries to give him a pained smile, his doe eyes shining brightly with unshed tears.

"Y-you said you would sacrifice yourself for me because you l-love me, but I-I would do the e-exact same thing for you because I love you."

Jimin only cries harder at his words.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

"Jungkookie, don't..don't close your eyes. You're gonna be okay, baby."

Jungkook weakly raises a hand to caress Jimin's cheek.

Jimin's cheek feels warm and comforting in his cold hand.

"You're so beautiful.."
Jungkook whispers brokenly as a single tear escapes his eye.

He gasps in pain, his emotions clearly reflected in his eyes.

"I love you, Ji."

Jimin's heart speeds up in his chest.

Jungkook only calls him Ji when he's dead serious about something.

"I love you too, Kook. You're gonna be all right, I swear."
Jimin whispers through tears.

Jungkook's hand slowly falls to his side as his eyes flutter shut, his breathing heavy.

As soon as he loses conciousness, the door leading to the rooftop slams open and Jimin sees his team standing there, Chief Kang at the front.

They all have their guns at the ready.

His colleagues look bewildered at the sight.

It's not everyday you see the best agent in your company holding an unconcious assassin in their arms.

Jimin pleads, eyes threatening to spill with even more tears.

"Please save him. I can't live without him."
His voice breaks at the end of his sentence.

He hears the gasps from his colleagues, but that's hardly relevant right now.

He's staring at his chief with pleading eyes, silently begging him to let his boyfriend live.

The chief's eyes were hard, an unforgiving look clear in his eyes.

"Death is what he deserves. A life for a life. It will be his punishment for his crimes."
He says, breaking Jimin's heart into a million pieces.

Jimin instinctively holds Jungkook closer to his chest and plants a soft kiss on his forehead.

He can still hear him breathing, but just barely.

If Chief wasn't going to let the love of his life survive, there's only one option left.

Jimin slowly wraps his hand around the gun at Jungkook's side, not breaking eye contact with his chief.

The gun feels heavy and cold in his hand, but he's determined with his actions.

He points the gun to his own head.

"Agent Park,"
Chief calls out.

His face didn't show much emotions, but Jimin can tell that his chief is taken aback.

"What are you doing?"

"If Jungkook dies, then I might as well die with him"
Jimin says, tone showing that he's clearly not joking around this time.

"There's no point in living if he isn't by my side."

Chief Kang stares at him with an unreadable expression on his face.

Jimin stands his ground, the finger around the trigger moving ever so slightly.

Chief Kang grumbles finally.

He decided that this criminal isn't worth losing his best agent.

"Get him to the HQ. We'll patch him up there."

Some of his colleagues move forward to help him lift Jungkook up, the dead weight being too heavy for Jimin to lift alone.

They move quickly, exiting the club through a hidden door and immediately getting into the van that was parked right in front of it.

Jimin gets into the van and Jungkook is laid down with his head on his lap.

He strokes the younger's hair, praying that the younger will survive through this.

"You're a fighter, baby. You're gonna get through this."

Edited 29/9


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