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"He called you a what?"She asked pretty irritated. She's about to do the thing.
"I'll smack the fuck out that nigga!" I widened my eyes at her loud statement. We earned a few stares from the people seated around us. I couldn't help but laugh at the way her cheeks turn bright red when she notices them.
"Don't worry I did."I said a little too happily. That was the first time I've ever hit anyone in my life actually meaning a semi threat. It was her turn to widen her eyes at me in surprise.
"You did?" She exclaimed shock evedant in her voice. A smile crept to her thin lips. I sigh and lean back.
"Yeah, I just wish he was real so he could have felt it. He didn't even flinch in my dream.It made my hand hurt." We sat in silence for a moment both lost in thought. Jenny leaned over the table and looked around before she spoke.
"Willa, if he's not real how come you can feel him?"It was a question but not one either of us had an answer to.
" I wish I knew... I honestly have started to hate dreaming."I admit to her and hang my head. I'd rather not dream at all if I have to see his stupid face, or back, every time. We finish and pay leaving the waiter a pretty good tip. Jenny nods to the hostess on our way out as she holds the door open for us politely.
"Wanna come over to the house for some drinks?" I ponder this for a moment. It wouldn't hurt.
"Sure, is it alright if I stay there tonight?" I ask already knowing the answer. It's still polite to ask.
"Of course!" She rolls her eyes at my question. We walk to our vehicles and part ways for now. After a short time I arive at my house to pack a bag for the night. I make sure to bring my toothbrush and deodorant double checking my bag before I go to leave.
"Pajamas, toothbrush, deodorant, socks, clothes for tomorrow, and hair brush."I say to myself just to go over everything. I think I'll be good for the night they don't live too far. I go to my door and open it. The night sky doesn't seem so dark tonight the moon is shining so bright I can see everything. I love full moons. I go to my car and start it turning the heat on. I wait until it has warmed up some before I back out and maneuver my way to Jenny and Uncle Hues house.
"You took forever!" Jenny shouted at me playfully. She had swung the door open my hand in the air prepared to knock.
"I had to make sure I had everything."I laugh holding up my back pack for her to see. She welcomes me in letting me set my bag down and take my shoes off before she whisks me away to the kitchen.
"We have beer, vodka, whiskey,or tequila. Pick your poison!" She said already slightly intoxicated.
"What kind of whiskey?" I ask walking over to where she stands at the open liquor cabinet.
"Evan Williams."She slurs in response. She grabs a glass adding ice and Dr. Pepper to it for me. I get the shot glass out of the cabinet grabbing the Evan as well. I fill it nearly to the brim and stop setting the half gallon bottle on the counter.
" Cheers!"I throw back the hot liquid quickly and take a sip of the soda she fixed me. The coolness feels better. She basically chugs her half glass of a fruity mixture and fixes herself more. She spills a little trying to hold up the full blender making me laugh at her drunk self. She practically makes me drink my next three shots. By the time I had been there two hours I was very tipsy, to say the least. Jenny and uncle retired to bed for the night about twelve o'clock. Uncle carried Jenny away to their room unconscious and drunk as all get out. I can't help the alcoholic giggles that escape my throat as I prepare my spot on the couch. I'm always crashing here I think there are permanent indentions in the couch cushions from my ass. Flopping down on the makeshift bed I sigh sleep clouding my vision. My mind travels to,him. The mystery man of my stupid dreams. I hope I never have to see him again. I used to want to know everything about him and why I dreamt of his back all my life. Now? Not so much.

I had begun to think I got my wish. It had been almost two weeks since the incident with mystery man occurred. Now there's just silence and darkness when I sleep. If I dream I don't remember it. Gabe has been up my ass the passed couple of days. I hate that I hurt him I'm just trying to figure shit out. I'm not really figuring anything out however. I run a brush through my now straight hair admiring the way it lays. I hardly ever flatten my curls, it's rime for a change. I won't be that girl that chops her hair off and bleaches it over a spat with their man. Im just tired of seeing same old me day in and day out. I apply a glittery gold eyeshadow and darken my crease with a chocolate color before giving myself a black wings on the corners of my eyes. After applying generous amounts of mascara I'm satisfied with my face. Finally. My new appearance made me feel better and more confident in myself. I know it's bad to only feel confident with makeup but it's how I feel nonetheless. I look at my glasses sitting on the sink and sigh. My head has been hurting because I haven't been wearing them. I debate picking them up. They will hide my makeup some but I'd rather not be blind and pretty today. Instead semi cute and clear vision. I slip the black framed spectacles on and everything comes into focus again. If somethings not two feet in front of me it's very blurry. I make my way to the living room where Gabe is pacing.
"Whats up with you?" I ask concerned with how red his cheeks have gotten. He glances at me coming to a stop at the hallway.
"I don't have a good feeling about going out tonight." I looked at him confused.
"What do you mean?You're the one that wanted to go out.." I shake my head and throw my jacket on the arm of the couch. Sighing I plop down knowing we won't go anywhere if he doesn't want to go.
"I know but it gives me a bad feeling,why don't I just order take out and we stay here for the night? It's supposed to storm." I nod not wanting to argue with him. We haven't been out in a month and if he wants to make this work he's gotta quit blowing me off. He's been coming over every day for two weeks but any suggestions of us going out together is just out of the question. It makes me wonder what or rather who he's hiding me from. I find myself getting more irritated when he doesn't ask me what I want and just orderes Chinese. He was never like this before. Now he's all high strung and clinginy but reclusive at the same time. Makes no sense at all. He hangs up his call and comes to sit next to me on the large couch. His arm stretches out over my shoulders in that old familiar way that always made me melt into him. Since things have changed I just want to be alone most of the time. He pulls me closer to him and kisses my cheek. His clamy hand rubs my shoulder making me want to crawl out of my skin and hide somewhere else. I nearly jump out of my seat when theres a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" I say. I'm way to happy to be out of his embrace. I grab the money off the table and turn to go to the door. Gabe stands in my way looking slightly panicked.
"Um.. Gabe?" I lean back a little and eye him worried. He takes my hand pulling me over to the hall and pushes me in my room. I turn and glare at him going for the door knob. He puts his hand on it and gives me a pleading look.
"J-Just stay here until I come get you don't make a noise."I widen my eyes when he takes his shirt off and shoves it at me.
"Put this on quick." This guy here.
"Gabe tell me what the fuck is going on!" I demand holding the door so he can't close it. He huffs and sets his hand on my shoulder then shoves me back out of the door way. The door slams shut before I can reach it. I hear him shove something against the door so I can't get out.
"Gabe! You jackass!" I yell at the door as I hit it.
"What in the actual fuck?" I say to myself in disbelief. I'm too shocked to freak out about my boyfriend, ex boyfriend whatever he is now, trapping me in the room. What is he thinking that the Asian kid is gonna take me on his bike and make orange chicken out of me? I stomp to the window looking towards the front door. It's not the Asian kid I see. I'm dreaming? Why is Gabe here? Why aren't we in the forest? I go sit on my bed and let gabes shirt fall to the floor. How? I'm losing my mind. I can hear yelling coming from the living room but I don't move. He's here,like here here. This is impossible. Why is Gabe so freaked out? It's not like he's dreamt of this man his whole life. It would be extremely weird if he has though. I'm caught up my disbelief when i hear something moving away from the door. I assume what's blocking my exit strategy. A man I've always wanted to question is standing in my doorway looking like he's been running for miles. His chest rises and falls rapidly, he's slightly sweating, and his icey cold eyes now burn with anger. His eyes search the room until they land on where I sit with my moth hung open.
"You're alive."He said breathless.
"So are you."I whisper. He moves to me quickly and grabs my face. My eyes widen and I pull back on reflex. He's so different from the dreams. He's definitely taller than I remember, his hair is longer, and his stubble is starting to be more of beard. His hands make contact with my face again and turns my head side to side examining my neck. The second time he talks to me he calls me an underling all rude and now he looks like he could kiss me. He doesn't kiss me though just looks over my exposed skin. Once I've had enough of it I shove his hands away and scoot back on my bed creating distance between us.
"What are you looking for?" I ask avoiding eye contact,his eyes give me chills if I look for too long. He holds his hand out for me to take. I don't though.
"Answer me!I don't care if I'm an underling, as you say." I state raising my voice at him. He can't just make me disappear now. He straightens his posture and nods briskly.
"I need to check you for a mark. Stand up."I didn't hear a please. I just sit there and stare at him folding my arms over my chest.
"What kind of mark? Why do I dream of you?" I ask.His arm shoots out and grabs my legs pulling me to the edge of the bed. He goes to grab my arm but I stand up in front of him before he could,not too graceful I might add.okay he's a lot taller than I thought my head comes up to the middle of his chest . He's at least a foot and a half taller than me. He looks down at me his breathing slowing to a normal pace as he takes deep breaths. I look him over in awe like it's the first time I've seen him. Well it is the first time I've been awake and seen him.
"Because that was the only connection I had to you, the only way I could talk to you."I raise an eye brow at him judgingly.
"You wouldn't even talk to me up until a few weeks ago and you were a dick when you did... Then you just.. Disappear."I trailed off as I turned around rubbing my temples. My head is killing me. This is all too much my brain is pounding against my skull. Hands go around my neck and tilt my head forward until my chin touches my chest.
"Hey hands off!"I say struggling against him but his hands hold me in place. He moves my hair out of his way and makes small parts in my head.
"I don't have any ticks if that's what you think." I roll my eyes. That earns a deep throaty chuckle from him. His thumb rubs a spot in my hair close to the nap of my neck. Where his thumb sits on my skin heats quickly making me jump out of his touch. My hand goes up to feel the spot where he just had. I pin him with a harsh glare.
"Ouch! You burned me." I spat as I maneuver around him. He grabs my arm stopping me from going to investigate my burn.
"It's your birth mark. Its normal for it to moo heat when I touch it." I snorted with laughter.
"I highly doubt that's normal." I say pulling my arm away from him. I look at the open door and realize Gabe isn't in here.
"Where's Gabe?" I ask looking up at mystery guy. I still don't know his name. His stance instantly stiffened and his eyes darkened with anger.
"He is taking a nap for a while." it took me a good two minutes before I realized what he meant. My eyes widen at the realization and I run for the living room. There Gabe lays on the floor unconscious but still breathing. I hear footsteps stop behind me and I turn to face him.
"What did you do to him?" I ask shocked. He acts like it's no big deal that he knocked him unconscious. He makes me so mad. That's one thing that hasn't changed at all. He makes me mad when he talks and when he doesn't. Gosh I sound like such a woman.
"He tried to keep me away from you and locked you in a room."He said calmly as he shrugged his shoulders. I can't really be mad on that note,but still, I wanted to hit him myself. He tried to keep me away from you. I repeat his words in my head.
"That explains a lot but why would he try to keep me from you?" I asked looking between the two. His eyes soften slightly when he looks at me. Why am I so nervous? I feel shakey and nauseated,yet I want to know all I can about him. Starting with his name.
"Its a lot to get into,everything will be explained when we get back home."He said sternly. He walked over to Gabe and drug him over to the couch before picking him up and tossing him on it.
"We as in you and me?What makes you think I would go anywhere with you? I don't even know your name."I stated setting my hands on my hips. He came to where I stood and bore into my eyes like he was looking into my soul. Last time he talked to me he was all snarky and hateful.
"I'm sure you would like to know where your parents have been while they pretend you don't exist." My heart sank at his word's. They've always traveled for work I never really expected them to lie about it. A guy showed up at my door I've dreamt about forever and tells me my parents aren't where they say? Nothing makes sense anymore and hasn't for a while now. Over the years my parents did start staying gone more. I never thought anything about it I had a nanny when I was too young to care for myself. I was always told that's how it has to be,i always wanted more though. A real family that has taco Tuesday and all the cheesy stuff family's are supposed to do. Not holiday after holiday away from your child.
"Where are they?" I ask in a small voice as I gaze at the unconscious Gabe and wonder what he has lied to me about too. Blue eyes gives me a pitiful look before shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Pack a couple bags I will bring you to them. I'm sure they will be surprised to see you." I stared at him for what felt like forever. A man you dream of shows up at your door and so far he is the only thing that makes sense right now. Sure he evades most of my questions but he can give me the information I really need. Who I am, or who I was supposed to be. I went to my room quickly throwing some things into my purple rolling suit case. I look around my room the once familiar homey feeling now gone. I feel like a stranger here in a house of lies. He said they were living their life as if I didn't exist. I plopped down on the edge of my bed setting my elbows on my knees and hiding my face in my hands. All I could do was breath at thud point.
"We need to leave before Gabriel wakes up, I don't want him trying to tag along."I look up at the man leaning against my door frame in all his handsome glory. His back has always been attractive but its nothing compared to his face. I nod standing up and taking my suitcase in hand looking around one last time before I leave. I won't be gone forever, I hope.
I grab my phone charger on my way to the door shoving it in my pocket. Definitely need that Ill have to call Jenny later. Warmth radiates from him standing behind me. He is at least a foot away but I can feel it caressing me like a warm fire. He moves out onto the doorstep and looks back at me.
"Come."He says walking down the sidewalk to the driveway.i lock the house then follow in step behind him.
"We are taking your car."He holds up my keys over his shoulder showing me he snagged them. I look around confused.
"How did you get here?"I ask looking around for a vehicle. He chuckled under his breath and opened the drivers door setting one foot in.
"Just get in."He says slipping into my car and closing the door. I roll my eyes at him and go to the passenger side hesitating before getting in with him. I stand there door open taking deep breaths.
"I must be dreaming."I mutter to myself as I slid into the passenger seat of my own car.
"I wish."He said annoyance clear in his voice. I caught him glancing over at me, anger flashing in his eyes, but it was short lived.
"Why are you here?"I ask quietly looking down. If he doesn't want to be here why is he? He's been so up and down since he got here not that long ago. Bipolar much?
"I told you everything would be explained when we get there. I won't repeat myself again." On that note I stayed silent for an hour or two. I wanted to hit him with all my questions but I didn't. He knocked Gabe out and hasn't exactly been that nice to me, I'm not testing my limits right now. Eventually I dozed off from boredom or either the deafening silence, I don't know wich one.
The thud of footsteps rouse me from my cat nap unwillingly. My eyes flutter open to see the chest of what I assume is the man of my dreams. Literally. I quickly realize I'm being carried and wake up fully panicking a little. His arms tighten around me holding me still.
"Be still before I drop you on your ass." His words come out harsher than I expected making me stop all movement. I roll my eyes and let my head fall back defeated.
"Put me down I can walk."I tell him as I nudge against him. He doesn't say anything or even acknowledge me really just continues walking as if I'm not here. I look at the trees that we pass noticing the foliage getting thicker the farther we go. Stray branches lick at my shoes as he carries me through. I tuck my legs closer when a bigger branch scratches my ankle causing me to flinch slightly. I look up at the man who haunts me wondering what he is thinking in that thick head of his.
"Will you please put me down?" I ask slightly demanding. He stops suddenly and almost drops me. I cling to him wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I didn't say drop me!" I shout at him as I let go and plop down on my feet barley missing his.
"You wanted down I let you down."He laughed. I was not so amused. I trailed behind him feeling like a dwarf compared to his height. It's unnatural really. We come to a large shrub like wall that towers over even him. I watch as he moves along the wall until he suddenly stops and shoves his arm through the shrubbery. He turns to me and holds his other arm out motioning for me to go to him.
"I will go through first to make sure no one is on the other side then I will pull you through. Don't go anywhere." I stop not far from him and look around at all the trees in both directions.
"Where would I go?" I say laughing. As he pushed his way through the wall he rolls his eyes at me mumbling to just stay put.
The air smells like smoke from a fire, it's not a over powering, it's small. I wait impatiently for what feels like forever then an arm appears through the green wall. I know it's his. I've memorized every inch of what I could see of him over the years especially his arms. I take his hand letting him pull me through. His hand is rough but it's also so warm and inviting. He gives one final tug and I'm through the wall. I can't stand to feel twigs in my hair so I quickly remove them. We are behind what looks like a large building of some sort. He stands in front of me shielding me from anyone who might see me.
"Why are you hiding me?" I ask in almost a whisper. He turns to me and looks down with a soft expression. So complicated.
"I don't want everyone knowing you're here yet. Only one person knows I went to get you, I want to keep it that way until tonight."I raised an eyebrow at him confused.
"Are you not bringing me to my parents?" I asked in disbelief. He put his hand on my back guiding me along the edge of the wall passed the large building and onto a hidden trail. I'm growing tired of all these secrets.
"You will see them tonight. I told you I would explain everything myself, I intend to do just that." I gulped. The thought of being alone with him for multiple hours again isn't exactly thrilling. We arrive at a small cabin style home surrounded by tree's and thick foliage.
"Is this where you live?"I ask curious. He opens the door with a set of keys I hadn't seen him take out of his pocket.
"When I'm not away, yes."He ushers me inside instructing me there is a light switch to my left. It was higher than I anticipated but I found it nonetheless. The home had tan color walls with white trim. A small kitchen to my right gives me the impression a woman has been here. Decorative hand towels and mats scatter the place along with a frilly burnt orange color rug under the coffee table. I spot a picture of two people on the wall but I can't make out who they are from where I was. I cant say I'm not a little disappointed. It was probably him and his girlfriend.
"Come sit down." He instructed motioning to the tan couch. He sat opposite of me in a recliner that looked very comfortable. A throw blanket falls on me when I lean back nearly making me jump out of my skin. I sigh and fix the blanket back to its original spot on the back of the couch.
"What is your name?" I ask for what feels like the thousandth time in my life.
"You can call me Jace."He states. Leaning forward he places his elbows on his knees and clasps his hands together.
"How did you find me,and why?"I ask crossing my arms for comfort. He sighs and runs his hand over his face.
"I had someone I trust follow your parents last time they made a trip to see you."I nodded looking at the floor. I thought back to the last time I actually saw them.
"You've known about me for over six months?" I ask dumb founded. He looks me up and down before answering.
"Yes. I got home yesterday."He looked away then back at me again.
"I came as soon as he told me where you were."My heart became heavy at his words. All the emotions over the years flood me making me want to cry, scream, and bang on his chest demanding he tell me why he has ignored me.
"What exactly did my parents tell everyone? What is so wrong with me they faked my death?" I ask in a rush my breathing quickening. I look around the room at anything but him. I want to go home. Thats nothing but a house of lies though. Jace locked his lips and cleared his throat before he spoke.
"Marla became pregnant with their second child, you, but she had you early. An old midwife recently confessed that she delivered a baby a long time ago in secret. The family told her to report the infant dead at birth. They then told everyone they needed space so they left Levi in the care of Marlas mother for around three months. No one questioned it after they lost a child. They had everyone's sympathy." I held back tears that stung my eyes just waiting to pour over. I look away and play with my hands in my lap.
"Do you know why they told people I died at birth?"I ask with a shaky voice. I rub my thumbs back and forth needing something else to focus on.
"Yes but I can't tell you yet. I will if your parents won't, just not yet." I nod. I've heard enough anyway. The thought of facing them and my supposed sibling is a bit scary. Jace hadn't said if the sibling was brother or sister.
"What's my siblings name?" I ask composing myself some what.
He crosses over to where I sit and takes a seat beside me on the couch.
"His name is Ian." He said. I looked over at him and laughed a little. I have a brother I didn't even know about in my whole twenty one years. Something else has been on my mind for a while.
"Why didn't you talk to me for all that time?Then when Gabe grabs my boobs you suddenly want to reveal yourself." He hardens his lips into a firm frown and puffs up his chest taking deep breaths. He really does not like Gabe.
"I knew it was you. I didn't want to get involved with someone I knew I would never be able to see, touch,or hold ."I shake my head and sigh.
"You make it sound like you would have wanted more than just answers from your dreams." I say looking at anything but Jace. My cheeks heat immediately. I know my face is beyond red. He didn't say anything just let me sit there and maul that over in my head.
A phone rang that was on the counter. He went to it answering and taking the conversation to another room in the house. It wasnt long he returned and I silently hoped my face wasn't as red.
"Im going to change then I will take you to your parents." I gulped. Jace came to me and reached out like he was going to try and console me but he let his arm fall back down. I sigh and turn away looking for my bag that I spot by the door I hadn't seen him bring them in.
"Can I change too?" I ask jo longer wanting to be in these clothes. He nodded escorting me to the bathroom.
"If I get done before you I'll be outside waiting on you." He disappeared into a room across from the bathroom shutting the door with a hard thud. I quickly change into sweat pants and a baggy long sleeve t-shirt once I'm inside. I take my glasses off and wash the makeup off my face. That feels so much better. I use a near by towel that was thrown sloppily over the shower rod to dry my face and hands. It smells like man body wash and clean laundry. The scent is almost intoxicating I have to pull myself away. As I expected he was outside waiting on the small porch for me. His lips almost curled into a smile on one side once he made eye contact with me. It however quickly turned into a blank expression.
"You look better."He says after we've walked down the same path we took to get here.
"Thanks, I think."I laugh as I shove my hands in my pocket to keep from fidgeting. I think he mumbled a 'welcome' but I couldn't tell for sure we walked passed house after house until we cam to a slightly larger house painted white with dark green shutters.
"I have to go."He tells me as we come to the front door. A slight pain in my stomach lurches at the thought of not seeing him again. I have so much to ask him still. I open my mouth to say something but close it again. I close my eyes and bite my lip. For once in your life say something before it's too late. I look up only to be met with soft baby blues. Jace had his hand so close to my face his fingers brushed my cheek when I looked up. His thumb and index finger crane my neck up a little more so he could look at me fully.
"Will I see you again?" I ask. I fight the urge to bite my lip as I relax in his grip. His thumb moves to rub my jaw ever so slightly.
"Yes." I look away and sigh. He's just gotta be so mysterious. He snaps my head back to look at him and raises his eye brows.
"Soon,don't worry." If I knew it wouldn't sound desperate I would ask him how soon is soon. The moment his hand drops from my face I want to feel his warmth again. Instead he tells me goodbye leaving me to face my lying family alone. I summon up the courage to knock swallowing my fear. It burned the whole way down too. I knock three times my heart pounding louder in my ears each time. A younger looking guy who I can only assume is my brother answers the door. At first his eyes scan a hove my head until he realizes I'm a lot shorter than he thought. Why are him and Jace so tall? He is surprised to say the least once he seems me. No recognition is shown on his face as he tries to put together who I am. He looks so much like mom it's crazy. He has her slender face and chocolate brown doe eyes. He also has dad's straight dirty blonde hair and lanky look to him. I guess he's a good mix of both of them. If there was any chance I was adopted this would be so much easier and less confusing. I look like my dad in girl firm so I doubt that's possible.
"Um, can I help you?" He asks scepticly. Oh he's so not ready for this.
"Yes that's be awesome, are our parents home by any chance?"

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