Chapter two

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No need to ask, he's a smooth   operator~   Smooth operator~
            Smooth operator~
          Smooth operator~
Sixty men sat the table and began to speak

"As you all know we have one thing, common enemy,"namjoon said fixing his watch

"Vigilante by name of J-Hope
Killing our men and not in the street gang type killings" namjoon said venom lacing his voice

"I don't care who the hell he is I want him dead" jungkook voiced

"I'll have one of my hacker's fine data on him now," jimin said with his phone close to his ears

"any other-cases? Taehyungs deep voice catching them
Off guard, since he been so quiet

Nope that all tho we'll have pay visit to a

Jung minjoon........

The boys felt a slight shiver at their spines
The lights flickered weird yoongi thought

"I'll get that fix tomorrow" namjoon spoke

hoseok humming softly as the soft music played in the Background as he just continued sharpening his "toys" or as he like call it "play kit"

"How about we go and visit our Precious mother and father"

he said giggling like a child but there was something off about his giggle
But then again his giggles never meant anything good

If listening closely you could hear the cries of another victim

Hoseok didn't start off like this but unlike others, he didn't have best childhood

He frowns deeply as the memories coming back as clear as day

He slightly shook his head at the it
Shivering a bit

Hoseok finished sharpening his toys he crept down to his basement

"P-please d-don't I have a-a family please"

Well I'll just have play with them too he said pulling out a pink  unicorn theme while crossing a name out

"Did you know-Legend has it that the creature is tireless when pursued, yet falls meekly to the ground when approached by someone with a pure heart they eat the hearts of virgins and seek out liars and cheaters or wrongdoers"

The man was cut off as Hoseok placed and sharp knife again his lips.

"Ah ah ah  shhhh..... be a good boy answers my questions"

The man nodded shaking in fear

"Do like the feeling of pain...

The man shook  his head no in response

"I'm going to show how all those Little boys and girls felt being Violated and touched by someone the felt safe with"   

he said those word so calm and collected the man was so scared and all he could do is cry and pleaded for the man younger to just kill him

"Ah ah ahh  you seem like a loud one I like ones," he said giggling like a child

Hoseok stripped the man of his clothes and laid him on full display

He grabbed his one of his favorite types of knives slowly making small  but deep cuts against the man  crotch

You seemed to like to use this a lot ..... how about I make some changes right? He asks Or rhetorically knowing the man didn't have a choice In the matter

The man screaming as he felt the tip of the knife be placed inside of the slit of his penis

Hoseok continued to hum in joy while pushed the knife deeper and slower into the man's penis. The sound of his screaming made Hoseok excited  he could feel the excitement in filled his veins, of course, the light flickered
All though Hoseok knows that meant somebody out there  wanted to play with him not that he minded he loved playing with people, of course, he never played good people they were no fun to him
He was somewhat like a unicorn he played with liars and wrongdoers.

The man's penis gushed out blood while it turned a reddish-purple

He then grabs one of his favorites
He then placed it at the man nipples shooting them both with the nail gun

The man cries began for death
Soon he was shot ten more times five times one each hand

Hoseok look at the man  he was to clean for Hoseok like

Hoseok skipped outta the room coming back with some liquid

He grabbed a small amount of Sulfuric Acid and dripping it all over the man chest and legs  happily

Hoseok frowned looking at the time

"Welp looks like we're going have cut this short Mr.  aww and we we're-just having fun too"

He pouts cutely
"How about this if you be quiet I'll bring some friends and we'll have a party"

The man barely alive nodded

"Welp I'm going to go wash up don't go anywhere," Hoseok said giggle at his own joke

The man's screaming got louder and louder  as  still feel the acid drill and burn threw his skin

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