Warning---sakura jelly bitch in this story 😑😏
In a village hidden somewhere there is a woman and man who are deeply in love but are total mysteries. The woman gave birth to a child and the child was way too powerful and such a prodigy as she gre...
Along the way I gotten sick and it seemed like tsunade noticed and tried figuring out my sickness.
When she found out she told me I was dying and I won't have much time left so we both cried and hugged each other.
We grew close and I was like a daughter to her while she was like a mother to me after all she helped me.
Time skip 5 years.
Right now I am laying on a bed with the most painful body and brain i'm practically screaming with sadness and anger.
With every second I live I wish I died, with every person who helped I wished never did because right now I know I can't be helped.
I'm accepting fate which sucks but is the last option I have right now so lets pray for a most safe death ever.
The door was kicked open by tsundere with a baby who is dead I looked at her with my beautiful e/c.
"wh-y arr-e you holding a dead baby?" I stutterd while trying to get up but was pushed down with amount of force which will break a person's bone which will be mine very soon!
She put down the baby next to me I felt a little sad seeing a new born baby girl who has beautiful e/c but are lifeless and her skin was pale like snow if she lived she would of grew up being the most well known beauty in the villages.
Than I saw tsundere draw a circle around me and than said
"Bodi suitchi- jutsu!"
I felt tired and that's when the darkness consumed me-
Time skip 3 days
Okay so now here I am waking up in the deads babies body who belonged to a couple who died because of breaking rules.
The woman was a beautiful uchiha who was well known for her beauty and for her intelligence. She was a smart and memorize anything within a second she was known in the bingo book the Rose but every rose has thorns and her thorns are her power and strength.
The man was a senju/hyuga and was very handsome, he was well known for his strength and his fighting spirit. He masters any genjutsu and any kind of jutsu out there in the world. He is like the copy cat ninja but has naruto's spirit.
I also have otsutsuki blood running through my veins because of my great great grandmother who came from my mother's side, my looks came from great great grandparents.
I looked in the mirror and twirled around in the dress I had on. I was waiting for tsunade who was taking me to konoha because I asked her to she hesitated at first but I told her my dream.
I had (black or dark blue or brown long or purple hair) and my eyes were e/c.
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