Part 2

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I passed the test. My brother did not. Now I'll never see him again. Last time I saw him, he was lying in the pile of his own blood along with 11 others.


I am dragged down the dull hallway by two of the soldiers, who are following master Wang. The handcuffs a cold of my wrists. The image of my brother lying in a pudle of his own blood is stuck in my mind.

After a while we came to a stop at a pair of big oak doors. Master Wang knocks on the door and the soldiers grip tightens  on my arms. I can already feel the bruises forming on my arms.

"Come in," a muffled voice calls. The doors swing open and we walked in (by we walked I mean the guards walked and I was dragged). The room was massive decorated by old fashioned pictures and weapons have all kinds. In the far corner of the room was a man accompanied by two male soilders each having assortment of knifes and guns hanging from their belts. The man faced what looks like a holographic map.

"Master Kouy, I have brought the passing participant" Master Wang's voice echoed throughout the room as the man, who is presumably called Master kouy, turns around. The soldiers kick the back of my knees and I fall to the ground. My gazes remains stuck to the ground. The sound of footsteps grows closer, the feeling of eyes scanning over my body gets more intense.

"She is small. She looks weak and would not be able to handle the next stage. Get rid of her."

I feel the muscles of a gun pressed against my forehead. In the next few miller seconds the soilders that where holding me where flat on the floor groaning. "I think we should test that theory. Maybe you should test me first I passed the all the previous tests did I not?"

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt. Get a weapon girl." He points to a door that I hadn't seen before. I walk over to the door swing it open to find a 3 Meters by 3 meters room covered head to toe by weapons.

The weapons that you are my eye are to twin bladed katanas with a black tsuka (handle) and a red tsuba (guard). Though they didn't feel as comfortable or weighted as evenly as other katanas I have had in the passed. They will do. In a fight in the real world you don't usually don't get to choose your weapon.

I walk out of the weapons room and slip off my shoes they will slow me down in a fight. I walk over to ask for my opponent just as I do a man walks in with a sword. He  walks over to one  Master Kouy. They talk in hush voices before the man walks over and stops about 4 metres in front of him.

"Miss Ingious" he's voice sharp and crisp, "I hope you know that this is a fight to the death. May the strongest person win." I responded with a silent nod.

I get in to fighting position swords out infront of me.
"Let the fight begin"

My eyes watch his body as he comes running towards me the last second I jumped my foot slamming him in the face. My swords swang around in a calculated mess toying with him.

I ducked under a blow to the head slashing one of my blades at the my opponent stomach. The other blade was sent to the man's neck.

It was a hit. The man was now on the floor. He lifted his arm in an attempt to throw a knife that he had kept in his shirt. Before he could release the knife one of my blades where embedded into his heart.

I remove the sword from his body walking over to masters Wang and Kouy.

"I believe I have proven that I deserve to have passed the tests to become a alpha rank."

"Yes I suppose you have," Master Kouy says. He places a hand with my shoulder. I felt a pin prick in the side of my neck. Followed by the nasty feeling of something being inserted into your bloodstream.

My vision turn blurry. I had started to shake. My knees buckle the world starts to spin. What did you just inject be with I try to ask but every thing in my body feels like it weighs 100kg each.  The last thing I remember before darkness consumed me was:

"The tests where the easy parts. Let's see how you do when we start having some fun Igneous, Natasha"

Words: 774 (not as much as other writers but it probably won't ever be past 1000 words)

Thank you for reading please remember that I welcome feed back especially on spelling and grammar.

Hoped you enjoyed


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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