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Vardaesia. He had made it to Vardaesia. Dam. Dam. This changed everything, I thought. Just on the horizon, small, moving figures marched in unison, pouring out through a door. Oh no. No, no, no. That door, the door that I had opened to get into Vardaesia but hadn't closed. "Dix, Bear, Jordan. You have to go back to Medora. Now."My final word makes it clear that it's not a topic to be debated, but they're frustrated. Dix is biting her lip, Jordan's eyes have hardened, and Bear is gripping his dagger even tighter.

I take a deep breath, noting the fact that Aven's army is gaining on us. "GO! Now." I concentrate, willing a door to open up into Akarnae, hoping that this once the Library will cooperate with me. The door appears, and Dix lunges towards me, hugging me tight "Give him hell Alex." she whispers into my ear, before stepping through the door with a sad smile on her face. She knew. Bear steps up to me, and roughly one arm hugs me, a fading smile on his face. "Alex, just-just beat his ass for me, ok?" I nod in silent response. Jordan is blinking back tears, hugging me fiercely "Do it, Alex, kay? I believe in you." For a brief moment, a broken look entered his eyes, then Bear whisked him away and led him through the door.

A sinking feeling entered my stomach. "Alex. Go." Zaylin points to the approaching army, and I plaster a grim smile on my face. "I'm ready." I turn, slightly and see everyone there, imagining them, and their mouths mouthing Give him hell. Kaiden comes up behind me, looking at my Tia Auran armour, A'enara in hand. "You're ready." he assures me. I lean up to him, and press my lips to his, slowly, remembering each second of our kiss. He deepens it, his hand tracing down my back and pulling closer. We only stop when we need air, breathless and silly grins on our faces. "Love you."I toss the words at him, before sprinting away.


Spitting blood out of my mouth, I slash A'enara in front of me, Niyx's training making sure my muscle memory is saving my ass a few times. I twirl, stab, parry, harming not killing. Then, I see him a few meters away. Golden eyes full of malice, standing right near that cliff I stared at Vardaesia for the first time. I switch and use my Meyarin speed and run, run straight to him.

I hit him on impact and I tackle him, right off the cliff. "Aeylia." He hisses, writhing and bucking in my grip, but I can't let him go. Screams follow us as we hurtle off the cliff, and we twist and turn, just as I can see Kaiden's anguish-filled face staring down to me, and my look says everything. It's meant to be this way. And with that, I turn back to Aven and we're stilling falling, falling, falling. My eyes dart over his body, looking for a cut, even a scratch, anything, but nothing. I swore. Quietly slipping my Hyroa blood coated knife, I hold it dangerously close to my leg, and wriggle my dagger to a hold under his neck.

The wind howls around us, and I struggle to hold on to him. He's overpowering me, so I need to act fast. I'm surprised that he hasn't asked for a veeyon yet. Distracting him with the dagger under his neck, I nick his leg with my knife, and he pales instantly, groaning and sweating, his clammy hands hold mine, and as I slice my dagger across my palm, his eyes widen. "Aeylia-Aeylia. No-NO" he screams, and I join our palms together.


Inside Aven's mind, he knows that he lost, and while our bodies are still tangled and falling, I say three words. "Let. Them. Go" a sneer crosses his beautifully evil face, and he turns, watching his Claimed prisoners. And they're free, slowly the chains disappear and the innocent people fade away, leaving us alone. I stare into his eyes, and I break our Claim. Gratefully, he accepts and responds, but still with malice in his eyes.

We're back to the falling down the canyon, and Aven speaks. "You knew it would end with us, Aeylia." and I nod as we near the bottom. "I knew it would end with us." And the world goes black.

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