Laser tag

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Alex supposed she really shouldn't have chosen Laser Tag for their first activity of  the holidays.  However, her friends had persisted like annoying chipmunks until she finally relented and opened a door to Freya.

She was now in the 'suit up' room, strapping on her chest armour, made out of a blue material that wouldn't last a day at Akarnae. The excessive amount of unnecessary buckles and straps made Alex curse as she fumbled around with them.

"Oi, language." Jordan chastised, mimicking Captain America. Alex had also regretted binge watching the majority of the Marvel movies with her friends. After mere minutes of shopping in Freya, Jordan had purchased a Captain America backpack, one for kids, and had spent the rest of the day parading around with it.

"Jordan? Some help?" Bear mumbled, his hair tousled and his arms and head poking out of his suit at weird angles.

"How the hell did you manage to do that?" Jordan asked, striding over and pulling down hard on the suit. Bear yelped in surprise, but managed to sort himself out.

Dix had been standing in the corner quietly, fingering her gun and watching Bear and Jordan roughhouse playfully  with a light smirk on her face.

"Ok guys!" Called their host, Miranda as she walked into the room. "There are four people on the other team too, so I'd say it's going to be a pretty fair match. Remember, no lasers in eyes, and after three shots to the chest you strike out for a minute. Got it?" She asked.

The four of them nodded firmly, tightening their grips on the gun.

"Ok then troops! Let's go!" Miranda cheered, opened the doors and ushered them through.
The double doors clicked shut behind them, and Dix gestured them over to a TV.

"Look- I'm King Kong!" Jordan whooped.

Bear frowned. "Who's Nancy Drew?" He puzzled. Alex chuckled, but chose not to elaborate.

"I'm... Hermione Granger? Who's that?" Dix asked.

"She's a character from a book series, Harry Potter." Alex explained as Dix's smile grew wider at the sound of books.

"Who are you Alex? Jordan asked, bouncing on his feet.

"Katniss Everdeen. She's another book character and her story was also made into a movie." Alex explained. "C'mon, I think the game's started."

Instinctively, the four huddled together, crawling forwards slowly as a group, their eyes wary and alert. Shadows jumped at them, tall building and bridges looming across the skyline. A few lights glowed a weak red, barely illuminating the path in front of them.

"Stop." Bear hissed suddenly. Alex tuned into her Meyarin hearing, and heard a smattering of footsteps not far away.

"Someone's coming." She confirmed.

Jordan leapt forwards, his laser gun out and a determined expression on his face. A prowling figure crept along the pathway, oblivious to one Jordan Sparker, who, with a wild roar cry launched forward and landed two shots to the guy's chest.

"Yes!" He pumped his fist, and the opposition shook their head and sprinted in a random direction .

"How about we split up? We'll cover more ground and gain more points that way." suggested Dix. The others nodded and took off in their respective directions.

Half an hour passed of exhilarating fun, and with adrenaline still coursing through their veins, the four came to a stop at a TV.

"BLUE TEAM-VICTORY!" Proclaimed the board. Alex and her friends cheered excitedly, as their scores appeared on screen.

"Dix and Bear tie for most points." Alex smiled happily at her friends.

"Jordan got best double kill," she continued.

"And I got Most Shot At?" She fumbled her buckles once again in surprise.

Jordan and Bear erupted into bouts of laughter and slapped their knees as they all removed the last pieces of their armour.

Jordan sprinted to the snack bar, holding a stack of paper bills in one hand, craving the neatest sweet treat. Bear and Alex walked to the counter and paid the lady. Dix dashed over and dragged Jordan by the collar of his jacket while he ate a mars bar.

Alex turned around, arms up in question. "So, what do you guys wanna do next?"

Jordan smiled wickedly, as he pulled a bright gaudy pamphlet from inside his jacket. "A theme park."

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