Into The Future.

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Into The Future

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Into The Future.
Fifty One Years On...

"Pass me the potatoes."

"I want the salad."

"Can I have some soda?"

"Grandma has made cookies for dessert!"

"Where are the drinks?"

"Mom how old are you and dad again?"

"I don't have a plate."

"Get to your table."

"I don't even have a seat."

"You're too close to me."

"I'm too old for this."

"Kids please sit down."

"I feel sick."

"It all smells delicious thank you everyone."

"Mom did you get the cake for dessert?"

"Phone down at the dinner table please."

"Is everything out of the oven?"

"Who wants chicken?"

"Stop fighting you two!"

"Are you pregnant again?"

"Grandma I need help."

"I want ice-cream."

"Someone take Buddy outside he's trying to eat everything."

"Put the knife down."

"I love you."

"Where's the wine?"

"Can everyone shut up?"

"Stop eating let everyone get to the table first."

"I'm hungry."

"I can burp without having to drink soda, listen!"

"I think the baby pooped."

"I think I pooped."

"If you promise to eat some chicken, I'll give you candy."

"Be quiet and take a seat."

"I need a fork."

"Mommy I don't want anything to eat."

"Can we go home now?"

"I'm too old for this shit."

"If you guys eat all your dinner Grandma Sydney might tell you, Our Story."

"I missed you guys."

"I hate family gatherings."


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