Rock, Paper, Scissors

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Rock, Paper, Scissors

I used to be very close to her. We would do everything together and we couldn't stand to be apart. Her name is Olivia, we are identical twins. Very identical, even our parents used to get confused. She was competitive, we both were. But she always won, whether it was Rock, Paper, Scissors or a game of Scrabble. To me she was a champion, A Rock, Paper, Scissors record breaker and a Know- It -All. We would switch places a lot; we had so much fun with it! We even had this tradition, I guess you could call it that; it happened every April fool's day, we would trick whichever teacher we had then into thinking I was her and she was me. I remember this one time, we were in two different classes and we managed to switch places for a week without anyone realizing what we had done. It's not like that anymore, we haven't talked in ages. We haven't been close since that day.

I clearly remember it, ordinary, just like any other, or so it started out to be. I was fourteen and it was the very first time my mom had let me stay home alone for more than an hour. Well, when I say alone, I mean with Olivia. We were making our lunch; grilled cheese for me and peanut butter and jelly for her. I was facing the counter to get the bread out of the toaster, then I heard Olivia's voice call my name. I turned to her and found her holding a very large pair of kitchen scissors. The kind you use to cut up poultry. She had a wacky sense of humor.

"Haha, very funny Olivia," I started. "Now come help me with the sandwiches"

But, after that, she didn't do a thing, not even flinch. We stood there, just looking at each other for such a long time. Then she spoke.

"Grace", she said "Our parents love you. But not me, no, they have never loved me".

I was confused because I knew that our parents loved us both just as much. If anything, they loved her more.

"Come on Olivia", I begged "Put the scissors down, you've never done anything like this...and...and I know you wouldn't hurt me".

She lowered them with a grimace on her face and a slight mischievous smile. She was glaring right at me. But she didn't put them down.

"You don't know that" she started. "You don't know anything, everyone thinks you do but you don't. Heck, you don't even know your own sister. You think you..."

"Olivia what are you talking about?" I was seriously beginning to get scared.

"Don't interrupt me" she said "Don't".

I couldn't keep my eyes off the scissors, I was panicking and trying to figure out what to do. She lifted them up slowly and grinned. I tried to think, I remember it was hard, very, but I focused. The phone was the first thing that came to mind. There was one in the living room, but that was too far. Quick, I knew there was one in the kitchen, but where? Olivia took a step closer. "Behind me" I remembered. Another step, on the counter beside the microwave. Another step, she could almost touch me now. I made a run for it; I grabbed the phone and ran across the hall to the washroom. I dialed 911 as I locked the door. A woman with a raspy voice answered my call.

"911, what's your emergency?" she asked. I couldn't bring myself to talk, ''Come on'', I thought, I had to do this. "Hello?" she asked.

"I... I... My sister, she tried to hurt me" I said.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at my house, 265 Hillrise Boulevard. I... I locked myself in the washroom so she couldn't get me" I answered.

We had a small conversation and at the end she informed me that the police would be arriving soon. So I waited. I remember crying hard and hearing Olivia scream at me. She had never done anything like that. "Grace, don't make me come in there," I heard from outside the door. I was crying hard, more than I had ever cried before.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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