Life of Lives and Love Part 1

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        "Graduation day, it's finally here." I said to myself when I opened my eyes. It was an uncommonly hot day, considering it was late June. I had the house entirely to myself, as my mother and father decided to spend the night at our lake house to prepare for the big party to accompany my graduation. Right as I was putting my cereal bowl into the sink and contemplating whether or not to go to the gym, all of a sudden I hear a voice at the front door calling my name. " Christine, Christine," the voice called. Moments later my boyfriend Peter appeared in the doorway. 

           " Hey beautiful, happy graduation! I was about to go workout and I wanted to see if you wanted to come with me.", Peter said. " Perfect timing, I was about to leave to go to the gym!" Minutes later, we both hopped in his Volvo and drove the short distance to the gym. Once we arrived Pete went over to the weights and I met up with my best friend, and coincidentally my co-valedictorian, Amanda on the elliptical. We discussed our dresses and how we would do our hair for the ceremony.

          Sometime later, Pete and I walked back out to his car. After we got in the car, Peter said to me that next year he would transfer to University of North Carolina so we could be close while I'm attending Duke. I began to tear up, I was at a loss for words but I managed to utter," That was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." Peter then said," Well, I'll see you after the ceremony, and I have a surprise !" 

          I could only wonder what Pete had in store for me at the party, but I figured I'd just have to wait. So I went on with my graduation prep. My cousin had already arrived by the time I got out of the shower, and scolded me for not being ready for her. Eliza then proceeded to do my hair and makeup while I read over my speech legit a hundred times. After she was done she gave me a big hug and said " Good luck today cuz. You'll be great!" I sure hoped so, I've never been great with the whole public speaking thing. But I knew I had to push through. So, I slipped on my Lilly Pulitzer dress, grabbed my phone and headed off the school.

         I swear I stopped the car four times trying to convince myself that in some way shape or form this was a good idea, but to no avail I chugged on. Sliding into the last parking spot, I gave myself a brief pep talk, and with the utmost confidence, I walked into the gym. Seeing everyone all dressed up in their gowns made me downright nauseous, I dove into a small group of my friends, Alexis, Maddi, and Nikki. We all shared hugs, then we heard the announcement to line up.

         We all began to giggle nervously, as we proceeded into the auditorium. As we sat down in those chairs one last time, I anxiously scanned the stage. I spotted my eighth grade English teacher, my tenth grade math teacher, and last but not least, the superintendent, Mr. Fisher. I found it weird seeing him this way, he was Peter's dad after all. We must have eaten dinner together fifty times, he seemed so informal and relaxed then. Now he just seems rigid and serious, but there is no possible way he is more nervous then I.  Moments later, I find myself getting up and walking to the stage. Still questioning my judgement, but it was too late, I was already up on the podium about to speak my final lines in this auditorium. Honestly, I don't remember much of it, it was all a blur. Lots of smiles and applause. And there were most definitely a few tears.

          You know that spot in the movies, after a graduation scene, at the very end. When they throw their caps up and then the movie pauses and fades to the credits? For some inane reason, that was what I expected. But that is not what happened. Those caps that look forever suspended in the air, come down, and so do you. Hard.

        That summer was different than all the rest. I found myself with an abundance of spare time. Peter was a camp counselor up north, so he was out. I contemplated becoming a counselor at the camp I attended when I was younger but decided it was a large commitment. A bit too large. So there I was sitting in my lake house. I had read every book on the bookshelf, watched every television show on DVR, and used up all my credits for pay-per view movies. And it was only July 15th. I assumed some sort of other activity must take place, so on a whim I signed up for the ladies singles tournament at the country club.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2012 ⏰

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