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" The girl's boyfriend and the girlfriend's friend come to rescue them. " Jisoo continue.

What how can they have the signal to recue the girls? it's insane.

" Wait but how can those guys come at the right time ?" I asked.

Jisoo pause her walk and look at me.

" As I remembered the girl's boyfriend didn't feel it. but the ex-girlfriend had a friend who they supposed to meet. As he wait for her for so long. He decide to check her on school. Since she told him she has to go to school first."

Her eyes look teary? anything go to her eyes? or the story is sad ?

" Wait but how can he know it was the storage room ? "

" There is a pikachu sticker on the ex-girlfriend bike so her best friend could find her. "

I thought maybe this reminded me of something but not at all nothing blur out as a scenario for me this time. Maybe she's not ?

" Do you know that the ex-girlfriend get really stronger after the incident ?"

" I don't know ? I mena How could I .? but like why?"

" wait do you know that girl ? and why did she become stronger ?" I asked with my curiousness, I start to feel a bit dizzy.

" She became stronger because a her friend told her that. Crying make him look weak. However she tried to be strong as him too. That girl is me. "

Jisoo ? wait so she has been telling me her tsory the whoel time ? Why she have such a story. No No Don't don't.

I felt my eyes are tired. It's slowly closed.


He collapsed again. What I'm I going to do. I should have stop reminding the past. It's hurt him. seeing him collapsed like that when i remined him. hurt reL bad. I rather stop telling you about it. I will stop Taehyung. I will just give up. I will just be a normal friend with you.

I will tried to frogot all our past. I couldn't just satify what i want just to see you are hurt like this. It's okay, I will try my best.

Taehyung POV

I slowly open my eyes and see that I am in the nurse room again. Why I became so weak trying to remember all those memories ?

Even I am like this I want to discover those memories back. Even if Jisoo is not or she is the girl. I know shs would know how to help me.

But How can I tell her that ?



A week has passed. Jisoo tried to avoid Taehyung as possible as she could. While Taehyung trying to figure out how can he a friend with her ?


In school break. Taehyung was walking to Leenam class. Then he heard the call.

" Mom please convince Taehyung mom to stop this. It's tiring, I love Taehyung as a friend. I know he liked someone else. Not me. Please stop using me cure the pain of him. I like to help him in a different way. " Leenam was having call with her mom.

" But leenam please help him out. "

" why not ask jennie to help him too mom. I am not sick of staying with him. but I am sick of pretending I lovd him while  I never did. Pretending I am okay. with forcing myself fo love him. It's hurt. mom "

" honey, I will help you. As long as Taehyung recover back all his memories."

" mom but"

" tut tut "

Leenam put down her phone and pock it in her pocket.

As she walk back to her class didn't relise that Taehyung was here.


' why leenam ? why ? why did you pretend that you love me whiek yoy have never? while I lov eyou with all my heart ? was it all because of those fuckings memories ?  Seriously it's tiring for me to remember those too ? but what made mom force leenam to do that ? '

Taehyung siting on a bench holding his head. He then walk up from the bench then tried to hit the wall to release his madness, anger, guilty for Leenam.

Suddenly a hand come up to stop him. holding Taehyung wrist.

" Leenam You don't have to stop me. I just want to punch the wall jokely. "

He didn't relized who that girl is until she spoke.

" Stupid, Look who you are talking to. Have some manner for me. I am at least a class president. who are you ? to punch those precious wall to just release  out your anger or your joke. "

" Jisoo ? "

He drop his Jaw, Seeing how Jisoo has been avoiding him. But come up to him just for a wall ? what the heck.

despite being mad and guilty right now. Be smiled why ? He fidn Jisoo cute and funny.

" Ahh, I am so sorry class president ." he bow to her.
Then kiss the wall.

" I am sorry, To hurt you. precious wall. looks like there some angel here caring about a wall more than a human."

' dumbess !!! who could still smiling haoot after those things ? I saw it. you heard her. you heard how dangerous remembering those memories back. because you might lose Leenam, who you were thinking of all the time. What's the use of bringing those memories back ? if you bring it back. you lost the person you love, your health and remembering the pain of helping a girl like me. '

I walk away from him.
" I am so sorry class president I won't do it again. " he follow her but she didn't replied.

' however the smile you having nowis not a lie. I can still remember it exactly. It had been so long since I see you being happy.'

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