Rise of Ghidorah

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Nick Fury looks out at the stars. "Life on different planets is interesting," he smiled. Maria Hill continues flying the spaceship, "Yep it is. They are gods out there we have never seen before." For the past few months, Nick Fury and his scientist friends have been studying life in the universe and what it can be hiding. They found a remains of a large humanoid being earlier. However, they just be careful because the things around them can hurt or even kill them. As they pass by Titan, they found it severely damaged by something, but Nick Fury didn't care. "We have discovered several things," said Maria. "Galactus, a world eater, keeps the universe in balance," Before she can finish, they heard something. Suddenly, space around them turns golden yellow.

"What is going on," asked a scientist. The spaceship started shaking, Maria looks out the window and saw something like a golden line. Then, they were knocked off balanced. Strong gravitational pole begins crushing the spaceship. "It's gonna blow up, get to the escape pod, now now now," Nick Fury screamed. Nick Fury, knew he won't make it so he pushes Maria in and pushes the escape pod button. Before it blew up, she saw the being, it was a three headed devil. "It's the god of the void," said one of the aliens. One of the heads looks at the escape pod, but ignores it.

After several hours trapped in the escape pod, it finally lands on Earth, thanks to the light speed, they were encountered by Iron Man who was fighting the Cloverfield Monster. "Maria," Iron Man cried, "Where's Nick Fury?" She was devastated and the look on her face told him that Nick Fury didn't make it and was killed by something. The Cloverfield Monster escapes and swims below the sea, never to be seen again. "We are going to have to have a meeting, tonight, at 8:00 PM," said one of the alien scientist. Captain Marvel was crying, she never lost anyone that close to her. But she knew she must come, and with the help she needs, she hopes she can take down this threat once and for all.

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