Chapter 2 - Adam

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Word Count: 1879
"Adam make your move." I looked over at my mentor quietly and sighed. "Sorry Madam Lafayette, something happened this morning which has distracted me." I looked around the peaceful garden and I found many people watching us. "What happened Adam?" I blinked and looked away. "It's nothing important. Just thinking of a girl." Madam Lafayette blinked and we heard a lot of swooning behind us. "Adam don't talk out loud, you'll make people faint." I nod quietly and moved my chess piece.
After a while there was a woosh of wings, and a small boy walked over to me and then glared back the beings in the garden, "You all need to go back to your homes! Move it!" All of the crowds run away and I turned over to the boy. "I didn't do anything." Lafayette glared at the boy and looked away. The boy shoved his hands into his pockets and raised an eyebrow, "What?" He looked at me and pulled my ear, "Huh. Not too shabby. A stud like you shouldn't be alive." I looked away and sighed, "Never said I wanted the attention." Lafayette looked over and frowned. The boy pocket his hand and gave me dead look, "Yeah. Ok... what ever." He hands a piece of paper to Madam Lafayette and then leaned over and studied me, "Can't tell are you a male? I mean your voice sounds like it. Plus you are pretty flat chested." He taps his chin then a golden chair appeared and he chucks it across the garden and nails someone lurking in the gardens on the head. I blinked and looked over. "What?" He huffed and dusted his hands off then looked at me, "Yeah you. I can't tell." I blinked and looked over. "I've been a male my whole life..." The boy pulls my cheek, "Heh. Ok thought so." I pulled the boys cheek and looked over at Madam Lafayette and she was putting something in the letter. "Give this to the one who gave me the letter, and don't bother coming back." I blinked and looked away. "Was there anything else you needed Michael?" The boy named Michael looked over at her and blinked, "Ha! I can come where I want when I please." He takes the letter then puts it into his pocket. He smiles at me, "Have fun! Plus it looks like little whitey has you in checkmate." He flared his wings and flew off. I blinked and looked at Lafayette knocked the chess piece off the table and walked away. I blinked and sighed. "Seriously he did not need to say that." I got up and walked away.
As I walked around I found myself at one of the celestial lakes and I sighed. "Who was she?" A body ran into me and latched onto my back, I turned and saw a little girl looking at me, "Hello Adam! How are you?!" I blinked and looked at the little girl.  "I'm fine Fione..." Fione squeals, "You are funny! I think of you as a brother!" I looked over and blinked, "Why's that?" She sighed and sank, "Because... you have white hair and so do I." I softly smiled and pat Fione on the head. "I guess we do. Should you be out at this time of day?" She shrugs, "Dieu wouldn't hurt me, neither would the Deity." I blinked and looked over confused, "Deity?" She slaps her forehead, "The high angels. Wow you are a air head. Got anything in there?" I chuckled and looked over. "Yes I do Fione, just wasn't sure on which one you were talking about. Now would this little princess like to go on a walk with me?" Fione crawls off, "Sure! Too bad you can't fly." I looked over and sighed. "It's a true shame but you can't see all sights clearly up in the sky." She puckered her lips, "Pffft. Lies." I looked over and laughed. "It's true." She wraps her wings around her and waffles away, "No." She flies over to me and grabs me by the waist and carried me up and b-lines toward the palace, "I'mma show you my favorite spot!" I blinked and looked over. "What are you doing Fione!" She huffed and veers off to the side and drops down onto a glass bridge and runs inside the glass building. I sighed and looked around. "Oh Fione what is going on?" I walked after Fione and sighed.
When I found Fione, she was in this backyard like area and I sighed. "Fione what are we doing here?" Fione points to the waterfall that was falling from a floating island into the stream here and picks me up then flew me to the top, "Ok now look over there." The palace was lit up with the moon's rays and glistened like a sunset. "It is beautiful but we shouldn't be here Fione." She snorted then picked me up by the waist and then flew me back down to the grass, "Meh." She walked back into the house and I followed. Right when we got to the door there were footsteps heard behind us.
I turned and saw Michael with a toothbrush in his mouth. He blinked a few times then murmured, "Hey Fione." Michael looked at me and then back at Fione, "What are you doing here?" I blinked and looked over, "I got dragged here." Michael took the toothbrush out of his mouth and replied clearly, "Huh... well she can come and go as she pleases. I don't know about you though Whitey." I blinked and looked over, "What part of I got dragged here did you not understand." Michael huffed, "I didn't ask you again why you were here. I was telling you that I don't know if I would like you to come back here." He crosses his arms and made a tsking noise, "You are dense Mister." I looked over and sighed, "I would love to leave but I really can't just fly away on a pair of wings now can I." Michael sighed and walked over to me and tossed his toothbrush aside. "You made this easy for me..." he pushed me outside and then he wrapped his arms around my waist and muttered into my ear, "You might want to close your eyes." I frowned and glared, "I'm not scared of heights. Don't you dare touch me." Michael snorted, "Too bad..." I heard a gust of wind and then we went airborne for a split second then we were falling. Fione giggles, "Wee!" We bulleted towards the palace and then right when we were nearing the path there was a pull and then we parachuted up a bit then landed.
Michael let go and then walked in front of me. He had one set of wings which was odd for an archangel. "This way." He turned and then folded in his wings, "Fione. Go get Diana." Fione saluted then flew off. I glared and looked over. "Where am I? Then why am I here?" Michael looked at me and pushed me inside, "You have a requested audience with Dieu." We walked down a long Hall with Archangel guards lining the hall. They bowed as Michael passed and he opened marble doors and then there was a blast of light as they opened. As the light dimmed I saw a male dressed in a white robe on a golden throne. Michael crouched down and bowed his head. "Your Majesty." The man on the throne seemed to be watching me with a curious look. I blinked confused. "Huh?" Michael looked at me with irritation and pulled me down onto my knees. "Be respectful." I looked back at the guy on the throne and he studied me more before looking at an angel to his left and nodded. The angel left and then the man on the throne looked back at me and I hissed at Michael. "I told you not to touch me!" Michael flicked my nose, "I can do as I please." He stood up and walked over to the man on the throne and went to his right and gestured to him, "This is Dieu, the Lord of the Heavens. Please give him your utmost respect." Dieu narrowed his eyes at me then leaned over to Michael and whispered something. Michael nods then frowns before looking back at me. "And what's your problem Michael." Dieu sighed, "Excuse Prince Michael... he seems to have grown attached to you somehow." Michael froze then looked away. "Please do rise Adam." Dieu folded his hands into his lap and studied me a bit more. I got up and looked away. "Then he can stop. I don't do attachments." Michael pursed his lips and then leaned over to Dieu and whispered something.
Dieu sighed and waved his hand and then Michael was gone. "Tell me Adam. How has your mentor been treating you?" I pulled back my emotions then remained neutral. "More helpful than if I actually had parent." Dieu blinked and tipped his head, "Angels don't have parents Adam. Who told you about these, 'parents'?" I blinked and looked over. "You expect me to believe that no one has parents. I could be god damn human because I'm not the same." Dieu made a unpleasant look, "Please don't use my name that way. It's not very nice... plus. Ask Fione, she has no parents. I made her from dust. She has blue tinted wings, everyone is different. Trust me Adam, you aren't a human." I turned around and looked away. "Like I'm going to believe that. Anyways I am leaving, I'm wasting time. Since I have to walk all the way home, since people think it's a good idea to drag me wherever they want." Dieu laughed, "Oh Adam. This palace is on a floating island. Your home is a few islands over. Have fun with that!" The doors burst open and Fione comes flying in, "Addddam!" She flew into my chest and clings to me, "I brought Diana! She can help you awaken your powers!" I looked over confused. "What?"
The girl by the doors looked at me and then at Dieu and shook her head, "Oh dear." She walked over to me and poked my forehead, "You Mister are going to have to work hard. Your powers are like gone." I blinked and looked over. "I don't have any powers. Does no one get that." Dieu's voice chimes behind me, "You do. Just deep down." I turned around and he was standing, "Train with Diana and Raphael on Earth. I am sure they will be awakened there." He paused, "Now I am going to go pay someone a visit..." He disappears in a bright light. I blinked and looked over. "You have got to be kidding." Diana stared at me, "Dork." There was a gust of wind and then I heard Michael's voice, "Packed and ready!" I heard another voice,  "Diana... I got the house ready. Dieu will be joining us later after he uh. Does something." Diana sighed and laid a hand on me then Fione touches Diana as the other two laid a hand on her. There was a weird pull then a flash of white.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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