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Seungmin and Jeongin made their way towards their dance class and met up with the rest of their friends. After the long and intense dance class, it was finally time to go home.

As the boys walked out of the dance studio, all of the boys made eye-contact with Chan which all expect Minho gave a small smile. Minho glared at Chan, but Chan ignored the death glare and went up to the purpose of his wait.

"Let's go, Jeongin, I've made an appointment for lunch," Chan said as he pulled Jeongin's left arm.

Minho was about to reach for Jeongin's right arm but was stopped by Hyunjin.

"Let him go," Hyunjin quietly said towards Minho as he put Minho's hand down that was reaching for Jeongin.

"What if he gets hurt?" Minho replied.

"When that happens, you know we will do worst, so let him experience life, we can't protect him forever," Hyunjin seriously said, unlike this morning.

"And also they look good together plus I'm positive that they both have feelings for each other," Felix added.

"I don't know about that," Minho slowly said.

"I bet you $50 that they are going to date soon," Hyunjin yelled as quiet as possible, making sure Chan and Jeongin couldn't hear him.

"We are not going to gamble on Innie's relationship," Minho stated.

"I place $50 too," Felix mumbled as he ate a cookie that he received on his desk.

"Me too," Seungmin followed, leaving Minho flabbergasted.

Minho sighed. Jeongin waved goodbye to his friends that he didn't know was gambling on him, and Chan gave a slight nod to the boys.

"Fine, $50 on they aren't," Minho said, feeling defeated as he watched Chan and Jeongin leave.

Chan kept a grip on Jeongin's arm all the way until they reached his car. During the walk, many eyes were on them and many mouths were spatting out all kind of speculations about them. Jeongin was extremely conscious towards people's words especially towards hate. He felt the eyes on them and heard conversations here and there which led him to look down to the ground and slipped out of Chan's grip which made Chan turned back to see the hunched back boy.

Chan was confused and started to wonder did he do something wrong. He looked at his surroundings and understood why Jeongin was like this as he also overheard some conversations that were especially offensive to Jeongin. Chan frowned.

Chan placed his grip on Jeongin's waist which startled Jeongin who trembled at Chan's touch and quivered more at the gasps from the students. Chan kept his position on Jeongin's waist all the way to the parking lot.

"After you," Chan smiled as he opened the car door for Jeongin who hesitantly sat in.

Chan was determined to make Jeongin smile again.

"So I hope you like Italian, I worked hard to get this reservation," Chan grinned.

Jeongin perked up after hearing Italian, "I love Italian, Jaebum-hyung makes the best spaghetti!"

"I'm glad to hear that, but I don't know if it's better than his though," Chan smirked as the plan was starting off well.

Chan pulled into the restaurant's parking lot. Jeongin saw the restaurant that was way too fancy for him.

Chan hurriedly paced to the passenger door, opening the door for Jeongin to step up, but he didn't.

"Is there something wrong?" Chan asked.

"This is too fancy for me plus we are only here for lunch,"

"Only the best for the best," Chan winked, receiving a tint of red on Jeongin's cheeks.

"AND I just came out of dance class and I stink, let's just go somewhere else," Jeongin tried to persuade.

Chan leaned in towards Jeongin and took a big sniff.

"You smell like flowers, okay, and they also serve really delicious desserts," Chan stated. He was not going to allow Jeongin's lack of confidence in himself ruin his plans.

The latter part worked on Jeongin. Jeongin nervously walked out of the car, and both of them made their way to the front door.

Jeongin looked around at the restaurant to find everyone dressed-up and looking fancy whereas Jeongin was still in his sweats. Chan noticed Jeongin glancing at his own clothes.

"You look fine, babe,"

"The wait is 30 minutes if you don't have a reservation," The employee indifferently said while making judging glances at Jeongin.

"It's under Bang," Chan spat, coldly, a change of emotions from Jeongin to the employee.

"Oh yes, Mr. Bang, please follow me," The employee elatedly said.

Chan rolled his eyes at the change of tone after knowing who he was.

They walked up to the rooftop of the restaurant that usually needed about two months booking prior to the day, but Chan called and pulled some connections which wasn't hard since he was the son of one of the richest business in the world. He just needed to say his name, and everything fell into place.

There was only one table on the rooftop that overlooked Seoul. The rooftop was decorated with different types of flowers and lights, but since it was only lunchtime, the lights couldn't serve their purpose. There was also a wooden swing.

Jeongin's mouth widened as he stared at the space. Chan made his way towards the table and pulled the chair for Jeongin.

Jeongin made his way towards Chan when he realized what Chan was doing. He took his seat and so did Chan.

Jeongin was amazed by the different flowers surrounding them.

Chan was amazed by the only flower that matter, the one in front of him.

[Edited: 09/15]

As I promised, lovelies, here is another chapter for this week as an apology for not updating last week!
I hope you guys enjoyed both chapters!
Thank you always for the votes, comments, and reads!
Take care and love you all 💞💞!
See you next week!!

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