Above and Below

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Above and Below.

    Before the world was created, there were two gods, Vitalis and Erebos. They were brothers, at first they got along great but things started to change. They wanted change, so it was not so quiet. They came up with the idea to create more beings. At first Erebos wanted the beings to serve them, but Vitalis wanted the beings to be their companions. They tried to create them at the same time but since they were so powerful it created a huge explosion. Out of that explosion came a new planet.

    The brothers still could not get along with each other so they split their world in half. One side was called “The Underworld”, it was Erebos’ side. It was hellish, everything was dark and it gave off malicious energy. The other side was called “The Upper World”, it was the exact opposite. Everything on Vitalis’ side was positive, happy, and bright. 

    Eventually, Vitalis started to feel lonely, he wanted more energy on his side. Creating things was easy for both gods because all they had to do was imagine what they wanted and it immediately appeared, the only downside was doing so took energy from them, leaving them tired. He decided to create a creature that he later decided to call humans. They were not only his children, but they were also his companions. Vitalis made them only have two legs, they were able to walk and run on them. Each one was unique, he made sure that no two were the same. Erebos saw what Vitalis was creating and decided that he wanted people too. He did not want companions like Vitalis, he wanted them to be his servants. On his side, all people were the exact same, not a single person was unique. 

    Vitalis did not want his humans to feel lonely like he did, so he created numerous other creatures of all different kinds to make the world more full, and feed the humans. Everything seemed so plain to him and colorless so he created plants in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. Erebos, on the other hand, did not want any color or happiness on his side, he made venomous animals with dark and dull colors. 

    Erebos did not like how happy all of Vitalis’ people were, so he filled his beings with negative thoughts, changed them to ugly beings mentally and physically, so that eventually they could take over the other side and corrupt the others. Vitalis kept making his world more and more joyful and heavenly. 

    A few years later, after Erebos had gained power, without warning he marched over to his brother’s side. He had been training to attack him and take over what he had. When he made his way to his brother’s kingdom, he didn’t hesitate to kill anyone or anything that was in his way. He finally arrived and when his brother found out what happened he was outraged. It had been days on end of constant fighting each other. After a while of fighting, they both had completely forgotten why they were fighting in the first place. 

    Vitalis realized that their fighting was fruitless, there was no point in it. Vitalis had the idea to sit and talk to try and compromise with his brother. Once they did, they both realized that they were jealous of each other, the whole time they were only trying to one up each other due to jealousy. Erebos found out that Vitalis was always jealous that he never cared what people think and Vitalis found out that Erebos was jealous because he always did everything perfectly. 

    After months of discussions, they found a way to balance their world. They created a set of rules to make each god satisfied. Erebos was in control of the storms, he also would punish people broke the rules. Vitalis was in control of helping Erebos’ people gain a little kindness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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