I was a typical Belgian I made little money but not the most and I would just casually stroll through life. I was 13 and a boy walking on a street my mother hadd gave me two dollars to buy some milk but when I saw a begger with no sign and a dog I gave the money to him. I knew my mom would be mad but the look on that mans face made it all worth it.
He quietly reached into his pocket and yelled in his old raspy voice "Wait child" as i was walking away. I slowly turned around a bit confused as he handed me a tiny inch tall llama. Not a toy llama either it moved and bit me. I was excited and confused (mostly confused 😂).
He said "The kind soul gets rewarded and went back to sleeping.I stood there in shock completely amazed. I thought about all the possibilities I could do with the llama I could get a string and a keychain holder and walk him through the park just me and my llama.
The more I thought about it though the more I realized the issues my mom would tell everyone and surely he would get tested on or something. My cat could just swallow my llama (IF THAT DANG CAT DID I WOULD BEAT THE BLOODY HELL OUTTA IT!!!). I decided to just see how it goes and put the llama in my hood and walked all the way back to my house (hoping it wouldn't suffocate in my thick hood).
At my house my mom was mad at me for not getting milk so she sent me to my room. While in my room I brought out my llama and was laughing loudly at my llama who was eating the carpet (Like what the heck... I bring home this wierd ass llama and now it's eating my carpet?! Umm that's messed up) . My mom came up and asked what was funny and I quickly said "Nothing". She walked away confused and a little paranoid.
People called me a thinker because I was always thinking of things that were so elaborate that it just might work. My topic right now was the llama he needed some sort of compartment where he would be unnoticed but yet happy and content about staying there. At first my ideas came slow but gradually I got into things that might work ("gradually" LOL). I ended up deciding to use a dictionary (You know so that that small llama can get some EDUCATION) as the house i cut all the papers out and superglued some cardboard to the back so the llama would stay I found a Altoids mint container (Just so my llama wouldn't get bad breath) as a bed and filled it with tissue as a bed and two small soup spoons to hold drops of water and the other one with grain and grass. As the floor of the little llamas I cut a square out of an old shirt and laid it down under it all.
The first night that I left him there he squealed a little but then he was fine (OR WAS HE?! DUN DUNN DUNNN!!!). In the morning when I woke up I looked at him and he was sitting in the water spoon with a big strand of grass hanging out the side of his mouth. I poked the llama and he fell over with a thud for some reason though he felt like wood. I examined him closely and sure enough he was completely wood I did not want him to stay this way forever. So I quickly did everything I could to try and change him back but all my efforts were worthless. Later that day when I got the chance I went to the hobos spot to tell him what happened. When I got there glumly nothing was there, not even a single trace that the hobo ever existed(Woah woah woah woahhhh!! So this hobo just gives me this random ass llama that's small asf and now he just disappears?!? Paranormal activity episode going on now!!) . The boy was devastated at the end of the day when he was done searching for the hobo he placed the wooden llama back in the little house. When the boy woke up to his surprise the llama was stone. He started thinking and wanted to see if the llama would keep changing he thought that maybe in 10 nights the llama would be solid diamond. He kept waiting night after night one night it was gold but the boy was now full of greed he kept waiting one night after it was solid diamond. The llama turned back to life but the boy was mad he wanted money now. The llama sat there content as usual just chilling when the boy slapped the little llama and it hit the wall with a thud. The kid was now sitting there and had just done something to his best friend who would never get to forgive him.

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