Meet Cute

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She sat cross legged on the park bench , book in hand engrossed in her novel. She was reading a young adult book series.Again.One of her many guilty pleasures. Only half aware of her surroundings. On the hot coppenhagen afternoon she wore her curly hair in a cute puff her curly tresses on top of her head with a small section of hair  falling into her beautiful brown eyes, Her edges laid to perfection . A yellow bandana surrounded her hair complementing the rest of her carelessly chosen outfit of a yellow halter top and dark blue denim jeans. she wore minimal makeup today , as it was one of the few days she didn't have to try that hard to impress anyone. She called it letting her skin breath and in this climate her skin deserved all the vitamin d her melanin could get because it would be cooling down in denmark pretty soon. So bb cream and nude pink lip tint with some mascara completed her look and by the gods was she feeling her damn self.

She would look up occasionally from her 22 year old hottie induced daydreams when someone would pass a bit too close but other that that she seemed oblivious to the world off the pages of the book in her hand .she bit her lip as the main character had another of her snarky inner thoughts , trying her hardest to contain the bubble of laughter that was trying to escape her. Bursting out in laughter in the middle of a crowded park in the middle of the day while sitting completely alone was sure to get her locked up in some asylum and she honestly did not have the time for that type of adventure right now, The bag needed to be firmly secured. she finished her chapter and and placed her sparkly rose gold book mark between the pages and closed the book.Brushing some curls from her eyes she sat back in the park bench and looked around, she sat south of a beautiful fountain where kids couples and just all sorts of people were enjoying their day in multitudes of ways. some guys played frisbee at one corner and there was a heated soccer match across the grass, a little girl ran in front of her  chasing an errant dog she smiled  at that remembering her niece back home, sometimes small things would get her homesick and she would want to pack her bags and run back home to the land of rivers sun and forests but her future and the thought of making her mother proud would always keep those feelings in check.

She inhaled deeply getting her emotions in check and reached for her bag, she fished around until she found her cell phone and and pulled it out. she checked her messages and checked for any missed calls. 00. That sounded looked about right. She had been in denmark a little over two months now and the time had made it a bit easier to be there single introverted and alone. It was a pretty boring existence lately which consisted of mostly over priced red wine danish chocolate and cookies and way to much salty snacks. She occupied her time mostly with work and working out so i guess she made up for all the shit that threatened to clog her arteries. She was actually thinking of getting a cat or maybe a person she had not  decided yet but the cat was in the forefront. 

She had landed the most amazing job straight out of college as a market analyst with an american company who also had their european operations based in denmark.Her starting salary was in the upper five figures with rooms for growth and company sponsored housing in the city. She couldn't believe her luck when she was offered the full time position by her boss in the us. her resume and story had impressed a member of the board of directors when she had submitted it at a job fair she had attended her second year of college in the us.  She interned with them at the american branch of the company and was offered a full time position after graduation, she had been elated and wasted no time in accepting the offer. the only downside was how quickly she had to uproot her life and relationships to move to denmark. learning the language seemed easy enough on paper but it had proven to be a bit of a challenge.  But like the over achiever she was she was working at i and excelling. her company had gave her six months to master the language and they provided her with a tutor/mentor who was supposed to help her to immerse herself in the language and culture.  If she was completely frank life  and work had gotten a lot easier now that she could understand more that five words per sentence. 

she and her tutor jensen had become quite close over time and when at work they were inseparable, he corrected her danish and laughed way to loudly at her snarky under breath comments  so that was a plus in herbook, but outside of work she was to shy to reach out for a hang, which is why when he had offered to take her out on the town and get drinks she said yes immediately and left the house thirty minutes later. Thinking of jensen, "He should have called me by now . i swear he takes longer to get ready that me on a monday." She thought out loud. her hodge podge of a dominican and american accent came out like thick honey. though the strange accent sometimes left her coworkers asking for a repeat , her voice itself usually made them willing to listen and try to understand. sadly she found it easier to just speak with an american accent except when she spoke to jensen, he'd told her that she shouldn't loose herself for people to lazy to make an effort she felt that though this was easier.

She pushed jensen the back of her thoughts and decided she would enjoy this moment of peaceful solitude a while longer or at least until he was done putting on  his panties and make up. "i need coffee" she she though out loud as she reached for her bag and stood up with an elegant and graceful movement. as she started walking towards the Kaffestativ across the  walkway she felt a sudden jolt from her side the next thing she knew she was on the ground with a pain on her ass that hurt almost as much as her pride. 

she stared into the now slightly cloudy sky for what felt like hours but was really just a couple seconds and contemplated just laying there until she eventually died. But alas a face popped in front of her and she could see his lips moving but couldn't really make out what he was saying. It took a couple seconds to start focusing on his words A panicked string of "undskyld" "undskyld" "i'm so sorry " "oh gosh im so sorry" He stretched his hand out for her to hold but she was still to dazed to react. He pulled his hand back and the next thing she knew two strong arms were around her waist pulling her to her feet like she was five. She kind of like it was her next lucid thought.  "Are you ok?" The guy asked She was suddenly extremely aware of his beautiful blue eyes and found herself speechless, She nodded.  "im fine , Thank you. Are you OK?" "im fine, Im sorry its my fault i was not paying attention to my surroundings. Anything for the perfect shot you know " He held up the Camera in his hand for her to see. "Oh i see photographer i hope whatever you were shooting was worth my dignity" she said in her regular snary manner" He looked at her inquisitively as if waiting for something , then said "it was actually let me show you." he held up the camera so she could see and she was stunned.   He had a good eye. "Its gorgeous. How did you get it like that ?" " she was genuinely curious . He smiled shyly and spoke in almost a whisper" I lay in the on the ground there" he pointed at a spot in the middle of the  square . "Well no one can say you're not dedicated" she giggled and looked at him briefly then then spoke " do you have more i can see?" there was that shy smile again " yes lets sit" she had long forgotten about the coffee. 

She scrolled through the camera roll and was more and more taken with his work." You should sell these" She told him in a voice full of awe." these portraits are amazing. " " thank you" he blushed bright red and she could feel him tense up a bit next to her. when she moved to the next photo she saw why.  It was her sitting on the park bench reading her book . She couldn't lie it looked amazing . " Wow i cant even be mad. its beautiful." " Its my favorite one today , look there's two more." Now it as her turn to do the blushing.  "don't be embarrassed you are gorgeous and that hair is amazing, i wanted to approach you but you  seemed so relaxed i didn't want to disturb you. " She blushed even harder and she tried to will herself to answer to say something anything, But all she did was hang her head down and stare at the camera trying to figure how he had gotten the right exposure to make her look like something out of a pinterest board. She was amazed. she looked up at him suddenly and caught him staring at her , he didn't look away and they seemed to be stuck in that moment for an eternity.

 In that eternity a sudden recognition hit her like a jolt of electricity through her body . She knew that face. She had seen him multiple times on television magazines interviews while in college and here in denmark. Her face must have shown it because has face turned from the intense yearning contact from before to a mixture of surprise and amusement then something that almost looked like disappointment almost. He hid i quickly though and inhaled slightly before speaking" you smell like a flower shop. but in a good way" She smiled but again found herself speechless. She willed herself to speak the words slowly came to her and she said "thank you , but i was trying for a bath and body works through up on me, but i'll try again tomorrow." He laughed at that and stretched out his hand " i didn't catch your name " " Lili, My name is lily Perry" "It is very nice to meet you Lili i'm Alex" .Holy fuck

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