006 ~ Loss of Senses

224 3 5

Genre: Angst, Friendship 

Word Count: 2,139 

Pairing: ?? 

World: Other, Acceleracers 

When morning finally arrived, I entered the cafeteria, taking a seat next to Tork who nodded in acknowledgment. He and Karma were the only ones in there at the time, so I was able to get some peace and quiet as I rested my head on the metal table. It was cold and felt good against my pounding head.

"You're not eating?" Tork questioned.

"Don't have much of an appetite this morning." Which totally isn't because I had a guilt-ridden nightmare which led me to end up passed out against a Teku car. Yeah, that totally didn't happen.

He remained silent and I worried that he was going to ask me something other, but my saving grace appeared in the form of Taro. He sat across from me after grabbing a tray of food, his eyes narrowed at me.

"You're up early," He sounded suspicious.

"Is that a crime now?"

"You hate mornings,"

Damn you, Taro. Why do you have to pay so much attention to others, huh? "I'm turning over a new leaf, so what."

The door opened and in walked Vert and Shirako, both of whom smiled at me. I cleared my throat as I stood up, mumbling about how I was going to go work on my car. I could feel multiple pairs of eyes on my back but I did my best to ignore it.

Mark was already at the cars, working on his Spinebuster. He nodded at me when I approached but said nothing. I was thankful that he kept his mouth shut for once.

My eyes scanned the length of my Night Hawk as I remembered the feeling of rejection from that night. I reached out, hesitating for a moment, before letting my hand rest on the hood. The metal was ice cold, just as it had been before, but it didn't feel quite as distant.

I bowed my head as I rested my other hand on the hood, 'Night Hawk... I know I'm not as strong as I pretend to be. As a car belonging to the Metal Maniacs, you deserve someone with a stronger will behind your wheel, but I... I won't give up. I will keep fighting and moving forward, even if I have to destroy those in my way. I hope you'll continue fighting by my side.'

"You look like shit," Mark commented, raising his brow when I met his gaze.

I scoffed, "You ain't no field of daisies, either."

"Did you even sleep last night? And what the hell happened to your hands?"

"Will you quit with the third degree already? Damn," I popped the hood of my car and started my routine check to make sure everything was in order and ready to go.

"You're acting pretty defensive, kid."

"And you're acting pretty annoying, kid." I scowled, pointing the wrench at him. "Don't forget I'm older than you."

"Are you sure? I mean, you're pretty short,"

"What does being short have to do with age? Work on your car and be quiet, will ya?"

"Che," He glared at me but did as he was told. It wasn't long before that damned alarm sounded again.

Please, for the love of god, let it be something simple this time.

"A new realm is opening," Dr. Tezla announced over the loudspeaker.

Yeah, because we couldn't hear the alarm.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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