chapter 1

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light's pov

   Light shot toward the clouds. The wind whipped her face, the sun shone on her scales, and the day was bright. She had no time to appreciate it, though. She risked a look behind her, nearly flinching when she saw three dragons nearly on her tail. Bright blobs of yellow swooped and dove, gaining on her alarmingly quick. I'm going to die, i'm going to die. It ran through her head, over and over, as she desperately scanned the mountains for anywhere she could hide. Stone cliffs and small caves riddled the valley, and small shrubs and trees pocketed the landscape. A huge bear lumbered out of a cave, and stopped to bask in the sun. If this was a regular day, she would catch the bear and eat some, saving the rest for dinner. But this wasn't a normal day. 

Light looked and looked, but there was nothing. Claws came viciously close too her tail, desperately grasping at her with wild precision, wanting nothing but too slow her down. She wildly skimmed the rocky hills for a hiding place. Anywhere, anywhere at all... there!  she thought, swooping downward. A huge gathering of dragons was at a mouth of a cave. All sorts of dragons were down there, red, orange, sandy yellow, blue and green, black. Wait... is that a pink dragon?  She shook her head. It must be some weird costume or something. Weird mutation or not, she could probably easily blend in with all the different colors.

 Now, Light just had too hope that she blended in enough.

    She landed in a nearby tree, covering herself with the leafy foliage. Squinting between some branches, she smiled when she could see the dragons that were chasing her were gone.  After a few seconds, Light was pretty sure she was safe. Her smile slowly fell. For now.  Slowly creeping out from behind the tree, she started too see more of what was going on. There appeared too be a fight of some sort. As a red and ice blue dragon dueled it out, a brown colored ( or extremely muddy)  dragon was trying to stop the fighting. The brown dragon was bigger than the other two, and most likely older. It took her a second to also notice he had a limp, that appeared to come from a severe burn. She shivered at the thought of the word "burn".  She quietly stepped forward. All the sudden, a yellow and pink dragon rammed into her side, sending her flying. She had just enough time to think "oh, banana slugs."  before she was pushed into the middle of the fighting. 

  Frost and fire covered her scales, like a river so cold it feels hot. Light moved to try to fly away, but couldn't. Her wings were glued to the ground. She struggled, but it crawled and covered her like a million ants. White hot pain seared against her body, in every tendon, in every nerve.  A faint whisper of "Help!" ricocheted in her skull, echoing like she was in a tunnel.  And then, there was black.


winter's pov   

"WAKE UP!" Riptide shouted as he pushed winter off his bed. 

Winter moaned. He hated waking up. He stretched out his sleepy body on the grass. Yup. He slept in a tree. Bark is much more comfy than you would think. Normally, he would sleep in his cave over by the ice-cold pond that he liked. It was relatively small, but it was still pretty roomy. Best of all, it had the scavenger observation den that Winter had been working on for months. 

"SOMEBODY!" Riptide yelled back at the cave, "Ate all the food." 

A little voice piped up. "Well it's not my fault we didn't have enough."

That would be squid. Sure enough, a emerald green head poked out of the cave, and it belonged to squid. Squid looked very irritated as he glared at riptide. Squid was an emerald green seawing that was rather irritable.  Riptide sighed. "let's just go."

  They set out for prey. This wasn't the first time they ran out of prey. They had to practically go every week because they ran out so fast.  At the last minute, Winter grabbed his scavenger net. "You never know when you would run into one." he thought to himself.

 Cool air brushed his wings as he lifted off. The sun peeked out from behind the mountains, tentatively deciding if it should show itself. A humongous forest stretched out below them,spread out like a huge blanket. Winter landed in a clearing, his ears searching for sound. He heard Riptide quietly  landing next to him. Squid, not so quietly.

"Shush!" Riptide wispier-shouted at Squid. "Your about as loud as an elephant trying to ballroom dance with Winter!" 

Winter was about to make a snappy comeback when he heard a soft thump. Food first, retort later. Winter quietly crept toward the noise. The others didn't notice, they were to wrapped up calling each other ostentatious dung beetles. His hunting instincts kicked in as he stalked closer. It turned out his prey was a small hare. The hare was eating lunch, witch consisted of grass and a couple carrots and greens. Ironic, it's eating lunch, but it's going to be my breakfast.  He was about to pounce, when a sudden crash sounded trough the forest. Riptide... Winter thought as he watched unhappily as it scampered away. 

"HI!" screamed a voice behind him.

"AAAAHHH MY MOONS!" Winter screamed back at him.

He was tall, colored bright neon hurt-your-eyeballs pink, with a small man-purse around his body. He had A goofy grin that Winter wanted to SMACK OF HIS PINK FACE. 

"My name is monkey! What's yours?" Monkey said.

Winter slowly raised an eyebrow. 

"WAIT, no I can guess!" He scrunched up his face in concentration. It looked like he was about to vomit skittles. Three moons, this guy was weird.

"Hmmm..."Monkey murmured,"Your blue and white and grumpy,so...Whitebluegrumpface?"

"NO!"winter shouted."My name is winter, And you scarred away my prey!"

"Winter! Totally! That was my next guess,"Monkey grinned. 

After that all conversation stopped for a second because Monkey turned a bright neon orange with yellow dots all over his body. Man,I'm going too have too get blind classes from tamarin or something if he keeps this up, winter thought. Monkey was now a less blindness-inducing blue, so winter could see him again.

"Why are you here, anyway?" Winter asked.

"Well, JMA asked me too tell you that they need your help, Winter and you scarred away my prey," Monkey said around have chewed bits of mango and guava, witch before he was trying too stuff both in his mouth at once. It was neither successful, nor pretty or graceful in any way, shape, or form. It was just gross.

Winter was so focused on trying too not vomit, he could barley reply, "With what, and stop, that is gross." 

Monkey swallowed (thankfully) and answered with,"Some kid got pushed into a fight. Since you are smart and an icewing, they want you too figure it out."

Riptide snorted, causing winter too whirl around and almost punch him in the face.

"Winter? A doctor?" Riptide laughed. " Winter, I got a boo-boo!"

Winter glared at Riptide. Winter was glaring so hard that you could practically see death rays coming out of his eyes. You could tell squid was trying too hold in a laugh, he looked like he was about too explode. Monkey, however, wasn't that mature. Nope, he was rolling on the ground, laughing so loud that pantala could probably hear him. A few seconds later, Monkey recovered, and popped up.

"So... are you coming, or not?" Monkey asked.


And with that, they took off.   

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