3 - Unexpected Turn

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*Disturbing Description Notice*

The day unfolded before me in agonizing slow motion, each passing moment etching itself into my consciousness

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The day unfolded before me in agonizing slow motion, each passing moment etching itself into my consciousness. The remnants of morning coffee lingered on my tongue, a bitter reminder of the restless night that had preceded this day. Sleep had eluded me, and an unsettling unease churned within my stomach, refusing to grant me solace.

Reflecting back on my journey, I realized how distant this reality was from the path I had once envisioned. The day of my university graduation had seemed so promising, a moment of triumph and hope for the future. Little did I know that fate had other plans, a path that led me to the precipice of the present moment.

It had all started with an unexpected visit from the Gamma of our pack, a visit that carried a letter that would alter the trajectory of my life. The contents of that letter demanded my participation in the ruthless ranking trials, a trial by combat that I had initially resisted. I had adamantly expressed my lack of interest in pursuing any title, my intentions focused on a life beyond the hierarchy. Yet, my father's persuasive words had nudged me toward participation, convincing me that some form of recognition was better than none.

As I stepped into the arena for my first fight, I had been naive about the brutality that awaited. The girls I faced were not merely opponents; they were once friends and acquaintances, each harboring their own ambitions. The clash of fists and the sting of blows were accompanied by the discordant symphony of my inner struggle. My wolf, a primal force within me, yearned for dominance and power, a stark contrast to my own desire for harmony and connection.

I vividly recalled an instance when my restraint faltered, and my wolf's feral instincts surged to the surface. A girl's taunting laughter had cracked the dam that held my wolf at bay, and in a frenzy of aggression, I had unleashed a torrent of violence upon her. The memory was a haunting echo of the savagery I was capable of, the aftermath a tableau of broken limbs and bloodied faces. The arena bore witness to the unforgiving consequences of these battles, a stark reminder of the price that was paid for dominance.

In my mind's eye, I lingered on the sprawling arena, its perimeter marked by a timeworn, shattered fence. It was a visual representation of the physical and emotional scars left behind by these trials. The image served as a testament to the intensity of the fights, particularly among the male-wolves. Males, by nature, were driven by an aggressive and assertive disposition, their fights fueled by the primal need to prove dominance and secure titles.

I closed my eyes, a shiver coursing down my spine as I wrestled with the memories and the primal duality that resided within me. The battles waged within the arena mirrored the internal struggle between my human side and the untamed beast that sought to break free. Each fight left an indelible mark on my soul, a constant reminder of the thin line I walked between survival and savagery.

All the viewers sat on the left and talked excitedly. Behind the tables, I could see the elders discussing something with their serious faces. The Luna sat on the first row as she looked around the open field. She didn't show any emotions on her face or in her body language. I shouldn't be surprised at all as she had lost her mate in this place a year ago.

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